These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating world dependencies ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... done! [ebuild R ] sys-apps/portage- USE="-build -doc -epydoc (-selinux)" LINGUAS="-pl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/pkgconfig-0.21-r1 USE="-hardened" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/unzip-5.52-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/libintl-0 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.17-r2 USE="-gcc64" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/javatoolkit-0.2.0-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/bzip2-1.0.4 USE="-static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/gnuconfig-20060702 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-lang/tcl-8.4.9 USE="-threads" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libogg-1.1.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r8 USE="ipv6" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/audiofile-0.2.6-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/libiconv-0 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/libraw1394-1.2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/gmp-4.2.1-r1 USE="-doc -nocxx" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/zip-2.32 USE="crypt" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/automake-wrapper-3-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/nspr-4.6.5-r1 USE="ipv6 -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/libpcap-0.9.5 USE="ipv6" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-wireless/bluez-libs-2.25 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/cpio-2.7-r1 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/build-docbook-catalog-1.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/sysfsutils-1.3.0-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/lzo-2.02-r1 USE="-examples" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/eject-2.1.5-r1 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/pciutils-2.2.3-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/device-mapper-1.02.10-r1 USE="(-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libmp4v2- 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/rman-3.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-misc/pax-utils-0.1.15 USE="-caps" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/debianutils-2.17.5 USE="-static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/fribidi-0.10.7 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/gperf-3.0.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libsigc++-2.0.17 USE="-debug -doc -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/hddtemp-0.3_beta15-r1 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/ctags-5.5.4-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/autoconf-wrapper-4-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-misc/mime-types-7 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/apr-0.9.12 USE="ipv6 -urandom" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libmcrypt-2.5.7 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/libutempter-1.1.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/live-2007.02.20 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libcddb-1.2.1 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/wavpack-4.40.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/icu-3.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/bin86-0.16.17 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/cmake-2.4.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/xerces-c-2.7.0-r1 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libebml-0.7.7-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-crypt/mhash-0.9.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/bdelta-0.1.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/sandbox-1.2.17 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-db/mysql-init-scripts-1.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/timezone-data-2007d USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/libpaper-1.1.20 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-mail/mailwrapper-0.2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/php-toolkit-1.0-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/alsa-headers-1.0.14_rc2 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/gnu-gs-fonts-std-8.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/portage-utils-0.1.23 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libol-0.3.18 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/libieee1284-0.2.1 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-crypt/hashalot-0.3-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/dmidecode-2.8 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libdaemon-0.10 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/cabextract-1.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libassuan-0.6.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-i18n/enca-1.9 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libfame-0.9.1-r1 USE="mmx" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/setserial-2.17-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/reiserfsprogs-3.6.19-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/hotplug-base-20040401 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-crypt/libgssapi-0.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libevent-1.3a 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libsigc++-1.0.4-r3 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/mDNSResponder-98 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/STLport-5.1.2 USE="-boost" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/libaal-1.0.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/rawrec-0.9.98 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libvisual-0.4.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libvisual-0.2.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-lang/spidermonkey-1.5-r2 USE="-threadsafe" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-mobilephone/gsmlib-1.11_pre041028 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/unifdef-1.20 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/yacc-1.9.1-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-emulation/virtualbox-additions-1.3.8 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-process/cronbase-0.3.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-ruby/ruby-config-0.3.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libuninameslist-20030713 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/dosfstools-2.11-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] sci-mathematics/pari-2.1.7-r1 USE="-doc -emacs" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libcdaudio-0.99.12 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-analyzer/traceroute-1.4_p12-r5 USE="-static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-analyzer/netselect-0.3-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/netkit-fingerd-0.17-r3 USE="-xinetd" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libemf-1.0.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] mail-client/mailx-support-20060102-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libdvbpsi-0.1.5 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dns/bind-tools-9.3.4 USE="idn ipv6" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/db-1.85-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/p7zip-4.44 USE="-doc -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libopendaap-0.4.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/showconsole-1.08 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-analyzer/upnpscan-0.4 USE="-static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/rovclock-0.6e 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-benchmarks/bonnie++-1.93c USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/gentoo-artwork-0.4.2 USE="kde -offensive" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-doc/linuxfromscratch-pdf-6.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/pwdb-0.62 USE="(-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-benchmarks/bonnie-2.0.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/miscfiles-1.4.2 USE="-minimal" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-kernel/module-rebuild-0.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-block/buffer-1.19-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/busybox-1.4.2 USE="-debug -make-symlinks -savedconfig (-selinux) -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/isapnptools-1.26-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-misc/towitoko-2.0.7-r1 USE="moneyplex -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/fbset-2.1 USE="-static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/vdrtools-genindex-0.1.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-misc/regionset-0.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/memtest86+-1.70 USE="serial" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/dos2unix-3.1-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/gentoo-rsync-mirror-1.0-r4 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-doc/selflinux-0.12.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/makeself-2.1.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/portage-manpages-20070122 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/ethtool-5 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/toolame-02l-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/hdparm-6.9-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/python-docs-2.4.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/m2vrequantizer-20060306 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/lzma-4.43 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/wput-0.6 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/mdadm-2.6.1 USE="-static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/patch-2.5.9-r1 USE="-build -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/wakeonlan-0.41-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/smartmontools-5.36-r1 USE="-static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-doc/php-docs-20050822 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-misc/beep-1.2.2-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libpcre-6.6 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-db/sqlite-3.3.5-r1 USE="tcl -debug -doc -nothreadsafe" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-headers-3.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/nss-3.11.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-db/sqlite-2.8.16-r4 USE="nls tcl -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/libavc1394-0.5.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/portaudio-18.1-r5 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/sysvinit-2.86-r8 USE="(-ibm) (-selinux) -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/mktemp-1.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/java-config-wrapper-0.12-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-nds/portmap-5b-r9 USE="tcpd (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/dev86-0.16.17-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-power/cpufrequtils-002-r2 USE="nls -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/mpfr-2.2.1_p5 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-tcltk/itcl-3.3-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/librpcsecgss-0.14-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/liblo-0.23 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/iputils-20060512 USE="ipv6 -doc -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/xplc-0.3.13-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-accessibility/mbrola-3.0.1h-r4 LINGUAS="de -es -fr -it -ro" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/xalan-c-1.10.0 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-crypt/shash-0.2.6-r1 USE="-bash-completion -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libmatroska-0.8.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-dicts/myspell-de-20060316 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/libicq2000-0.3.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-doc/selfhtml-8.1.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/bsdiff-4.3-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-board/crafty-20.13 USE="-icc -no-opts" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/pccts-1.33.33 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/crypto++-5.4-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-wireless/aircrack-ng-0.7-r2 USE="wifi" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.10 USE="readline -clvm -cman -gulm -nolvm1 -nolvmstatic -nomirrors -nosnapshots (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-crypt/mcrypt-2.6.4 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/init-0 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libdvb- USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-emulation/xen-3.0.2 USE="-custom-cflags -debug -hardened -pae" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-tv/w_scan-20060903 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/eix-0.9.3 USE="sqlite" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/dvbsnoop-1.4.00 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/zlib-1.2.3-r1 USE="-build" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libpng-1.2.16 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/freetype-2.1.10-r3 USE="zlib -bindist -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/taglib-1.4-r1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libid3tag-0.15.1b USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/diffball-1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/squashfs-tools-3.1_p2 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-misc/zisofs-tools-1.0.6 USE="-static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/fbgrab-1.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/tarsync-0.2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/emerge-delta-webrsync-3.5.1-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/expat-1.95.8 USE="-test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/gettext-0.16.1 USE="nls -doc -emacs -nocxx" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/musicbrainz-2.1.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/make-3.81 USE="nls -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/sed-4.1.5 USE="nls -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/popt-1.10.7 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/flex-2.5.33-r2 USE="nls -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libexif-0.6.13-r1 USE="nls -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/gawk-3.1.5-r3 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/m4-1.4.9 USE="nls -examples" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.5 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/grep-2.5.1a-r1 USE="nls pcre -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/diffutils-2.8.7-r1 USE="nls -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/findutils-4.3.2-r1 USE="nls (-selinux) -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/tar-1.16.1 USE="nls -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/net-tools-1.60-r13 USE="nls -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/com_err-1.39 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/gzip-1.3.11 USE="nls -pic -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/exiv2-0.13 USE="nls unicode zlib -doc" LINGUAS="de -es -fi -fr -pl -ru" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/recode-3.6-r2 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/opensp-1.5.2-r1 USE="nls -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-power/nvram-wakeup-0.97_p863 USE="nls" 150 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/kbd-1.12-r8 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libvorbis-1.1.2 USE="-aotuv" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/bison-2.2 USE="nls -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libart_lgpl-2.3.17 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.2.2-r1 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gnome-common-2.12.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/jbigkit-1.6-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-dev-tools-4.4.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-power/acpid-1.0.4-r4 USE="logrotate -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/hicolor-icon-theme-0.9-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/logrotate-3.7.2 USE="(-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/ss-1.39 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/pth-2.0.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/dhcp-3.0.3-r9 USE="-doc -minimal (-selinux) -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/binutils-config-1.9-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/syslog-ng-1.6.11-r1 USE="tcpd -hardened (-selinux) -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/mpeg2vidcodec-12-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/jpeg2ps-1.9-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-misc/fortune-mod-1.99.1-r2 USE="-offensive" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/diffstat-1.43 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-power/powermgmt-base-1.22 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-db/cdb-0.75-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-process/lsof-4.77 USE="-static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/binutils-2.16.1-r3 USE="nls -multislot -multitarget -test -vanilla" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libksba-1.0.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/enscript-1.6.4-r3 USE="nls -ruby" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libshout-2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-power/iasl-20060912 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-power/hibernate-script-1.94-r5 USE="logrotate -vim" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/gcc-config-1.3.15-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-print/foomatic-db-ppds-20060720 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/jdk-1.5.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/opengl-7.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/jre-1.5.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.6.20-r6 USE="-build -symlink" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-firewall/iptables-1.3.5-r4 USE="ipv6 -extensions -imq -l7filter -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/mysql-5.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/ghostscript-0 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-Test-Simple-0.66 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/glu-7.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-MIME-Base64-3.07 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-File-Spec-3.24 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/xft-7.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/glut-1.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-Scalar-List-Utils-1.18 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-Digest-MD5-2.36 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/lm_sensors-2.10.1 USE="-sensord" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-power/cpufreqd-2.1.1 USE="acpi apm lm_sensors nforce2 nvidia -pmu" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/udev-104-r12 USE="(-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-libnet-1.19 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-wireless/wireless-tools-28 USE="nls -multicall" 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-Storable-2.15 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.0.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] www-client/mozilla-launcher-1.56 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/baselayout-1.12.9-r2 USE="unicode -bootstrap -build -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/module-init-tools-3.2.2-r3 USE="-no-old-linux" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/svgalib-1.9.25 USE="-build -no-helper" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/fuse-2.6.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/em8300-modules-0.16.0-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-emulation/virtualbox-modules-1.3.8 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-crypt/truecrypt-4.2a-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/cdfs-2.6.19 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/unionfs-1.5_pre200701042308 USE="acl nfs -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-wireless/ndiswrapper-1.42 USE="usb -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-laptop/acpi4asus-0.40-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/qc-usb-0.6.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/ntfs3g-1.0 USE="-suid" 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/libstdc++-3.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/xinetd-2.3.14 USE="perl tcpd" 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-Test-Harness-2.64 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-mail/mailbase-1 USE="pam" 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-digest-base-1.15 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/win32codecs-20061022-r1 USE="quicktime real" 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/pcmcia-2.6.13 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-File-Temp-0.17 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/eselect-vi-1.1.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-Sys-Syslog-0.18 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers-1.0.9755-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/opensc-0.10.1 USE="X ldap -pcsc-lite" 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-Time-HiRes-1.90 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-print/foomatic-db-engine-3.0.20060720 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-print/foomatic-db-20060720 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-Memoize-1.01 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/mp3info-0.8.5a USE="gtk" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-process/procps-3.2.7 USE="(-n32)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/motif-config-0.9 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/eselect-esd-20060719 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/xdg-utils-1.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-DB_File-1.814 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-PodParser-1.35 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dialup/capi4k-utils-20050718-r3 USE="fax pcmcia pppd tcpd usb" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/opal-2.2.6 USE="-debug -noaudio -novideo" 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/jdk-1.4.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/man-pages-2.44 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-Time-Local-1.13 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfwm4-themes-4.4.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/eselect-oodict-20060706 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdenetwork-meta-3.5.6 USE="wifi" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeedu-meta-3.5.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdebase-meta-3.5.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdetoys-meta-3.5.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdepim-meta-3.5.6 USE="pda" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeaddons-meta-3.5.6 USE="arts" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeutils-meta-3.5.6 USE="crypt lirc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdewebdev-meta-3.5.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeadmin-meta-3.5.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdegraphics-meta-3.5.6 USE="gphoto2 imlib povray scanner" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdegames-meta-3.5.6 USE="arts" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeartwork-meta-3.5.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeaccessibility-meta-3.5.6 USE="arts" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdemultimedia-meta-3.5.6 USE="arts xine" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libmcs-0.4.1 USE="gnome kde" 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-Getopt-Long-2.35 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-Text-Balanced-1.98 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/tmake-1.8-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] virtual/perl-CGI-3.25 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/openct-0.6.11-r1 USE="usb" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-dotnet/pe-format-0 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-print/foomatic-filters-ppds-20060720 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-misc/ca-certificates-20061027.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/mythtv-themes-0.20 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-cdr/cdlabelgen-3.6.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-wireless/wifi-radar-1.9.7 USE="svg" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/ltsp-4.2-r1 USE="X audiofile esd nas rdesktop scanner snmp -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/cfv-1.18.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/teamspeak2-client-bin- 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/freealut-1.0.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-wm/beryl-0.2.1 USE="emerald gnome kde" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-i18n/man-pages-de-0.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/crossdev-0.9.18 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-util/xgame-1.7.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/mp3c-0.31-r1 USE="mp3 vorbis" LINGUAS="de -es -it -pl -pt" 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-util/xgame-gtk2-2.0.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/fluxbox-styles-fluxmod-20050128-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/quilt-0.45-r1 USE="graphviz -bash-completion" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/dvd9to5-0.1.7 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kde-meta-3.5.6 USE="accessibility nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/koffice-meta-1.6.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-wireless/wpa_supplicant-0.5.7 USE="dbus gnutls madwifi qt3 qt4 readline ssl -gsm" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/xrdp-0.3.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] www-client/opera-9.20 USE="gnome spell -debug -qt-static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/mirrorselect-1.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-backup/flexbackup-1.2.1-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.6.19-r5 USE="-build -symlink" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/metacity-themes-1.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/dxr3config-0.3.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/mplayer-skins-0.2-r5 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/vdrsync-0.1.3_pre050322-r1 USE="dvdr" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-misc/graphlcd-base-0.1.5 USE="truetype -g15" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/ipcalc-0.41 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-base/xfce4-extras-4.4.0-r2 USE="gnome lm_sensors wifi -battery" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/catalyst-2.0.4 USE="-ccache" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdesdk-meta-3.5.6 USE="subversion" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/ding-1.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/getdelta-0.7.7 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/gdm-themes-2.0-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gnome-2.16.2 USE="accessibility cdr cups dvdr hal ldap" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-tv/dvbstream-0.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-kernel/xen-sources- USE="-build -symlink" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/rar-3.7.0_beta1 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/lib-compat-1.4.1 USE="sdl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.61 USE="-emacs" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/libtool-1.5.22 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/jpeg-6b-r7 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-misc/ktoblzcheck-1.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/tiff-3.8.2-r2 USE="jbig jpeg zlib -nocxx" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/libvncserver-0.8.2 USE="jpeg zlib -no24bpp -nobackchannel" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-lang/perl-5.8.8-r2 USE="berkdb gdbm -build -debug -doc -ithreads -perlsuid" 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/Test-Simple-0.66 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-Parser-2.34 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-lang/nasm-0.98.39-r3 USE="-build -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/automake-1.8.5-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/URI-1.35 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/automake-1.7.9-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/automake-1.4_p6 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/Test-Harness-2.64 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/Sys-Syslog-0.18 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/TermReadKey-2.30 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/digest-base-1.15 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/File-Temp-0.17 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/DateManip-5.44 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/MailTools-1.74 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Params-Validate-0.86 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/HTML-Tagset-3.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/Time-HiRes-1.90 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/Memoize-1.01 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/extutils-depends-0.205 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/extutils-pkgconfig-1.07 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Locale-gettext-1.05 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/automake-1.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/PodParser-1.35 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.001 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/IO-Compress-Base-2.001 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/yaml-0.62 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Text-Iconv-1.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Time-modules-2006.0814 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/libintl-perl-1.16 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-Writer-0.602 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/Time-Local-1.13 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Event-1.08 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Params-Util-0.22 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/File-Slurp-9999.12 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Device-SerialPort-1.002 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/IO-stringy-2.110 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/MIME-Lite-3.01 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Term-ANSIColor-1.11 USE="-test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/CGI-3.25 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Net-Daemon-0.39 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/automake-1.6.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-crypt/opencdk-0.5.7 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/HTTP-Server-Simple-0.26 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Test-LongString-0.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/IO-String-1.08 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Socket6-0.19 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Net-IP-1.25-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Convert-ASN1-0.20 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/TimeDate-1.16 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Log-Agent-0.307 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Authen-SASL-2.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate-1.02 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Tie-IxHash-1.21-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Unicode-String-2.09 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Exporter-Lite-0.02 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/File-HomeDir-0.58 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/text-reform-1.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Test-Manifest-1.14 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Class-Singleton-1.03 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/SGMLSpm-1.03-r5 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Number-Compare-0.01 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Sort-Versions-1.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/math-pari-2.010709 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/class-loader-2.03 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Class-Data-Inheritable-0.06 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Parse-Yapp-1.05-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Font-AFM-1.19 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/klibc-1.2.1-r2 USE="(-n32)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-Generator-0.99 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Text-Tabs+Wrap-2006.0711 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Class-WhiteHole-0.04 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/SVG-2.33 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/MP3-Info-1.20 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Lingua-EN-Inflect-1.89 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dialup/hcfpcimodem-1.12-r1 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Log-Log4perl-1.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Pod-Escapes-1.04 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/CDDB-1.17 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dialup/hsfmodem- USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Net-Telnet-3.03-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/Storable-2.15 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Term-ReadLine-Perl-1.0203 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Proc-ProcessTable-0.41 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/UNIVERSAL-moniker-0.08 USE="-test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/libnet-1.19 USE="-sasl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/CDDB_get-2.27 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/CGI-Session-4.20 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/MIME-Base64-3.07 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/MD5-2.03 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Config-Simple-4.58 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/texi2html-1.76 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/MP3-Tag-0.9708 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/HTML-Template-2.8 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Class-Accessor-0.30 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-DTDParser-2.01 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/intltool-0.35.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/HTML-Parser-3.55 USE="unicode" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/x264-svn-20061014-r1 USE="-debug -threads" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/help2man-1.36.4 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/openslp-1.2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/glib-1.2.10-r5 USE="-hardened" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Digest-SHA1-2.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/libxml-perl-0.08 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/IO-Socket-INET6-2.51 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-XPath-1.13 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/AppConfig-1.63 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Class-Inspector-1.16 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Config-Tiny-2.08 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/PlRPC-0.2018 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Carp-Assert-0.18 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/IO-Compress-Zlib-2.001 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-RegExp-0.03-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Pod-Tests-0.18 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/ExtUtils-AutoInstall-0.63 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Astro-SunTime-0.01 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/AnyEvent-2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/PatchReader-0.9.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/g-cpan-0.14.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/crypt-random-1.25 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Class-Trigger-0.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/Test-1.25 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/splashutils- USE="png truetype -hardened -kdgraphics" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/genlop-0.30.5 USE="-bash-completion" 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/Digest-MD5-2.36 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/DBI-1.54 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Compress-Zlib-2.001 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gnome-mime-data-2.4.3 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/HTML-Tree-3.23 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Class-Autouse-1.27 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Digest-HMAC-1.01-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-Handler-YAWriter-0.23-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-icon-theme-4.4.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/X10-0.03 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Event-ExecFlow-0.63 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/gnome-backgrounds-2.16.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-power/acpi-0.06-r5 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/HTML-Scrubber-0.08 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/xdelta-1.1.3-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Net-DNS-0.59 USE="ipv6" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/IO-Zlib-1.04 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/DBD-SQLite-1.13 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Archive-Zip-1.16 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/HTML-Format-2.04 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Archive-Tar-1.30 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Email-Valid-0.175 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/DBIx-ContextualFetch-1.03 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/module-build-0.28.05 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Email-Find-0.09 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Ima-DBI-0.34 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/ExtUtils-CBuilder-0.18 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Class-MethodMaker-2.08 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/Text-Balanced-1.98 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Sub-Uplevel-0.14 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/HTML-FromText-2.05 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/DateTime-TimeZone-0.57 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/DateTime-Locale-0.32 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Text-Glob-0.07 0 kB [ebuild R ] perl-core/File-Spec-3.24 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/DateTime-0.35 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Test-Exception-0.24 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Term-ProgressBar-2.09 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Log-TraceMessages-1.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Parse-RecDescent-1.94 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/extutils-parsexs-2.17 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Test-ClassAPI-1.02 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Carp-Assert-More-1.12 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Lingua-Preferred-0.2.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/DateTime-Format-W3CDTF-0.04 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/DateTime-Format-Mail-0.30 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/File-Find-Rule-0.30 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/File-NCopy-0.34 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/prefork-1.01 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/File-Remove-0.34 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Inline-0.44-r1 USE="gtk" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-RSS-1.22 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Algorithm-Dependency-1.102 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/File-Flat-0.96 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Test-Inline-2.105 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/openssl-0.9.8d USE="zlib -bindist -emacs -sse2 -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/neon-0.26.1-r1 USE="expat nls ssl zlib -socks5" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/wget-1.10.2 USE="ipv6 nls ssl -build -debug -socks5 -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Net-SSLeay-1.30 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-ftp/netkit-ftpd-0.17-r5 USE="ssl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-analyzer/tcpdump-3.9.5-r2 USE="ipv6 ssl -samba" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/IO-Socket-SSL-1.02 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/usermin-1.270 USE="ssl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-Stream-1.22 USE="ssl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/PortageXS-0.02.06 USE="-minimal" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Net-XMPP-1.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/demerge-0.043 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/text-autoformat-1.13 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-analyzer/net-snmp-5.4 USE="X ipv6 lm_sensors perl sendmail ssl tcpd -diskio -doc -elf -mfd-rewrites -minimal -rpm (-selinux) -smux" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/webmin-1.340 USE="apache2 pam ssl -postgres -webmin-minimal" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/audacious-themes-0.0.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXt-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/xv-3.10a-r12 USE="jpeg png tiff" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/automake-1.9.6-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.14_rc2 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sci-libs/fftw-3.0.1-r2 USE="sse -3dnow (-altivec) -mpi -sse2" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libcdio-0.77 USE="cddb nls -minimal -nocxx" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/esound-0.2.36-r2 USE="alsa ipv6 tcpd -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/alsa-oss-1.0.12 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libmikmod-3.1.11-r2 USE="alsa esd oss" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/mpg123-0.65 USE="alsa esd jack mmx nas oss portaudio sdl -3dnow" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.17 USE="alsa flac sqlite" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.2-r1 USE="fftw sndfile" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/xineramaproto-1.1.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2 USE="cups gif ipv6 mysql nas odbc opengl sqlite xinerama -debug -doc -examples -firebird -immqt -immqt-bc -nis -postgres" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-crypt/qca-1.0-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-wireless/rt2500-1.1.0_pre2007020911 USE="qt3" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-crypt/qca-tls-1.0-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXinerama-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/xf86vidmodeproto-2.2.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.6-r5 USE="acl alsa arts avahi cups fam jpeg2k kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility kerberos lua openexr spell ssl tiff utempter xinerama zeroconf -debug -doc -legacyssl" LINGUAS="-he" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdebase-data-3.5.6 USE="kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeartwork-wallpapers-3.5.6 USE="kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeartwork-sounds-3.5.6 USE="kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeartwork-emoticons-3.5.4 USE="kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeartwork-styles-3.5.6 USE="kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeartwork-iconthemes-3.5.6 USE="kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeartwork-icewm-themes-3.5.6 USE="kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeartwork-kworldclock-3.5.6 USE="kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/automake-1.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libmad-0.15.1b-r2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-crypt/mit-krb5-1.5.2-r1 USE="ipv6 krb4 tcl -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/flac-1.1.2-r8 USE="ogg sse -3dnow -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libusb-0.1.12 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libtheora-1.0_alpha6-r1 USE="encode -doc -examples" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/a52dec-0.7.4-r5 USE="oss -djbfft" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/faad2-2.0-r13 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/attr-2.4.32 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libdts-0.0.2-r5 USE="oss -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libdvdcss-1.2.9-r1 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/faac-1.24-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/xvid-1.1.0-r3 USE="(-altivec) -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libiec61883-1.1.0 USE="-examples" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/cryptsetup-luks-1.0.3-r2 USE="nls -dynamic (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libtasn1-0.3.5 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/lzo-1.08-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] sci-libs/fftw-2.1.5-r2 USE="-mpi" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/libnet- USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/geoip-1.4.0-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/liblockfile-1.06-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/valgrind-3.2.1 USE="X" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/cppunit-1.11.6 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/ccache-2.4-r7 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/id3lib-3.8.3-r5 USE="-doc -examples" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libdvdread-0.9.7 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/openobex-1.3 USE="bluetooth irda syslog usb -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libmpeg3-1.5.2-r3 USE="mmx" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/usbutils-0.71-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libmix-2.05 USE="-no-net2" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/streamripper-1.61.27 USE="vorbis" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/normalize-0.7.7 USE="audiofile mad nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-backup/dar-2.2.6 USE="acl nls ssl -dar32 -dar64 -doc -examples -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-mail/fetchmail-6.3.6 USE="ipv6 kerberos krb4 nls ssl -hesiod" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/madplay-0.15.2b USE="esd nls -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-power/nut-2.0.5-r1 USE="snmp ssl usb -cgi" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-tv/linuxtv-dvb-apps- USE="usb" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libdvdnav-0.1.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/lsdvd-0.16 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/hotplug-20040923-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libdvdplay-1.0.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-analyzer/netcat-110-r8 USE="crypt ipv6 -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/vobcopy-1.0.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/dvdbackup-0.1.1-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/util-macros-1.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/xproto-7.0.7 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/xextproto-7.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/randrproto-1.2.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/fontsproto-2.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/renderproto-0.9.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/videoproto-2.2.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/inputproto-1.4.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXau-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/xf86dgaproto-2.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/xf86driproto-2.0.3 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/xf86miscproto-0.9.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/kbproto-1.0.3 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libdrm-2.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/scrnsaverproto-1.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXdmcp-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/xtrans-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libICE-1.0.1 USE="ipv6 -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libSM-1.0.1 USE="ipv6 -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/glproto-1.4.8 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/xbitmaps-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libao-0.8.6-r3 USE="alsa arts esd mmap nas -doc -pulseaudio" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/oggtst-0.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/mpg321-0.2.10-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/printproto-1.0.3 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/trapproto-3.4.3 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/gccmakedep-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/recordproto-1.13.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/damageproto-1.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/compositeproto-0.3.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/xf86bigfontproto-1.1.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/resourceproto-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/fixesproto-4.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libfontenc-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/font-util-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/dmxproto-2.2.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/bigreqsproto-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/xcmiscproto-1.1.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libX11-1.1.1-r1 USE="ipv6 -debug -xcb" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/startup-notification-0.8 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-misc/lirc-0.8.1 USE="X -debug -doc -hardware-carrier -transmitter" LIRC_DEVICES="all -act200l -act220l -adaptec -alsa_usb -animax -atilibusb -atiusb -audio -audio_alsa -avermedia -avermedia98 -avermedia_vdomate -bestbuy -bestbuy2 -breakoutbox -bte -bw6130 -caraca -chronos -cmdir -com1 -com2 -com3 -com4 -cph06x -creative -creative_infracd -devinput -digimatrix -dsp -dvico -ea65 -exaudio -flyvideo -gvbctv5pci -hauppauge -hauppauge_dvb -hercules_smarttv_stereo -igorplugusb -imon -imon_pad -imon_pad2keys -imon_rsc -inputlirc -irdeo -irdeo_remote -irman -irreal -it87 -knc_one -kworld -leadtek_0007 -leadtek_0010 -leadtek_pvr2000 -livedrive_midi -livedrive_seq -logitech -lpt1 -lpt2 -mceusb -mceusb2 -mediafocusI -mouseremote -mouseremote_ps2 -mp3anywhere -nslu2 -packard_bell -parallel -pcmak -pcmak_usb -pctv -pixelview_bt878 -pixelview_pak -pixelview_pro -provideo -realmagic -remote_wonder_plus -remotemaster -sa1100 -sasem -serial -serial_igor_cesko -silitek -sir -slinke -streamzap -tekram -tekram_bt829 -tira -tvbox -udp -uirt2 -uirt2_raw -usb_uirt_raw -usbirboy -userspace -xboxusb" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/dbus-1.0.2-r2 USE="X -debug -doc (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/perl-tk-804.027 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/xloadimage-4.1-r4 USE="jpeg png tiff" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/zvbi-0.2.22 USE="X dvb nls v4l -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/mtools-3.9.10 USE="X" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/xmbmon-2.0.5-r1 USE="X" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/dbus-qt3-old-0.70 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Tk-JPEG-Lite-2.01403 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-boot/syslinux-3.36 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-lang/tk-8.4.9 USE="-threads" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/hfsutils-3.2.6-r5 USE="tcl tk" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXext-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/rdesktop-1.5.0-r1 USE="ipv6 oss -ao -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXmu-1.0.2 USE="ipv6 -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-tv/nxtvepg-2.7.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXrender-0.9.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXv-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libdc1394-1.2.1 USE="X" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXi-1.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/gtk+-1.2.10-r12 USE="nls -debug" LINGUAS="de -az -ca -cs -da -el -es -et -eu -fi -fr -ga -gl -hr -hu -it -ja -ko -lt -nl -nn -no -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -sk -sl -sr -sv -tr -uk -vi" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libjsw-1.5.6 USE="gtk" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/putty-0.58 USE="gtk ipv6 -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXxf86vm-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXpm-3.5.5 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/gd-2.0.34 USE="jpeg png truetype xpm -fontconfig" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXtst-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXrandr-1.2.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXfixes-4.0.3 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXp-1.0.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXdamage-1.1.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/x11vnc-0.8.2 USE="jpeg zlib -threads" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libxkbfile-1.0.3 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/mkfontscale-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/mkfontdir-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/cronyx-fonts-2.3.1-r2 USE="X" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXScrnSaver-1.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXcursor-1.1.7 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXcomposite-0.3.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/encodings-1.0.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xauth-1.0.1 USE="ipv6 -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xinit-1.0.2-r6 USE="-debug -minimal" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXvMC-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXxf86misc-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xrdb-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXres-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/iceauth-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXxf86dga-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xset-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/rgb-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/xf86rushproto-1.1.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xkbcomp-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-0.8 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/evieext-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xprop-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libdmx-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xdpyinfo-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xmodmap-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xhost-1.0.1 USE="ipv6 -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xsetroot-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/setxkbmap-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xrandr-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/xorg-cf-files-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/imake-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/Xaw3d-1.5-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-board/xskat-4.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXTrap-1.0.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/makedepend-1.0.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-proto/fontcacheproto-0.1.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXfont-1.2.7-r1 USE="ipv6 -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/bdftopcf-1.0.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/unifont-1.0-r3 USE="X" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/terminus-font-4.20 USE="X" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/liblbxutil-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libxkbui-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/font-alias-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/luit-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xlsclients-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xvinfo-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xlsfonts-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xwininfo-1.0.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/appres-1.0.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-doc/xorg-docs-1.2 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/dmapi-2.2.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/vamps-0.99.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libFS-1.0.0 USE="ipv6 -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXevie-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/sessreg-1.0.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-wm/twm-1.0.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/arts-3.5.5 USE="alsa esd jack kdeenablefinal mp3 nas vorbis xinerama -artswrappersuid -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/libkdegames-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/libkonq-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kwin-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xcomposite xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/libkmime-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdemultimedia-arts-3.5.6 USE="alsa kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/libkdeedu-3.5.4 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdesu-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdialog-3.5.5 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/libkcddb-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kcminit-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/librss-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/libkpgp-3.5.4 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ktnef-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/libkholidays-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/mimelib-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeaddons-docs-konq-plugins-3.5.4 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksysguard-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility lm_sensors xinerama zeroconf -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/khotkeys-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/khelpcenter-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libkipi-0.1.4 USE="arts kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kgamma-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kreadconfig-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksmserver-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksplashml-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kate-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kpersonalizer-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kworldwatch-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kode-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kmailcvt-3.5.5 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/libksieve-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kde-i18n-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" LINGUAS="de -af -ar -az -bg -bn -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -el -en_GB -eo -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -fy -ga -gl -he -hi -hr -hu -is -it -ja -kk -km -ko -lt -lv -mk -mn -ms -nb -nds -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -rw -se -sk -sl -sr -sr@Latn -ss -sv -ta -tg -tr -uk -uz -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/koffice-data-1.6.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-misc/kdiff3-0.9.90 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/krdc-3.5.6-r1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility rdesktop slp xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kompare-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libkexiv2-0.1.1 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksirc-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility ssl xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdenetwork-kfile-plugins-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ktalkd-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdenetwork-filesharing-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdict-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kwifimanager-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/lisa-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/krfb-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility slp xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdnssd-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kget-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kpf-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kvoctrain-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kpercentage-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/keduca-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kgeography-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kig-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug -kig-scripting" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kmplot-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeedu-applnk-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kanagram-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kiten-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kwordquiz-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kbruch-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/blinken-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kverbos-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kturtle-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/klettres-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdebugdialog-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/klipper-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksystraycmd-3.5.5 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ktip-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/knetattach-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kstart-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kxkb-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/nsplugins-3.5.6-r1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdcop-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kpager-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kmenuedit-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/eyesapplet-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/fifteenapplet-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kodo-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/amor-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ktux-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kmoon-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kweather-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kteatime-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/networkstatus-3.5.6-r1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksig-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeaddons-kfile-plugins-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal ssl xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/renamedlg-images-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/renamedlg-audio-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kcalc-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/superkaramba-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kregexpeditor-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kmilo-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug (-pbbuttonsd)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksim-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility snmp xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdelirc-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kedit-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kjots-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdf-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/khexedit-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kwalletmanager-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kcharselect-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/klaptopdaemon-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ark-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ktimer-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kfloppy-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kommander-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kfilereplace-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kimagemapeditor-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/klinkstatus-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/secpolicy-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeadmin-kfile-plugins-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/lilo-config-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kuser-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kcoloredit-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kmrml-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kview-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kiconedit-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksnapshot-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kruler-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kolourpaint-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kmag-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeaccessibility-iconthemes-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kmousetool-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kmouth-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/artsplugin-audiofile-3.5.4 USE="kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kmid-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdemultimedia-kappfinder-data-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdemultimedia-kfile-plugins-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal theora vorbis xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kmix-3.5.6 USE="alsa arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kbugbuster-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug -kcal" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kuiviewer-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdesdk-kfile-plugins-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/umbrello-3.5.6-r1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdesdk-scripts-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kapptemplate-3.5.5 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kspy-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdesdk-misc-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libkexif-0.2.4 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-misc/kima-0.7.1 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-misc/katalog-0.3 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-mobilephone/kmobiletools- USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/karchiver-3.1.1-r1 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-firewall/kmyfirewall-1.0.1-r1 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-puzzle/ksudoku-0.4 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-misc/ksensors-0.7.3-r1 USE="arts hddtemp xinerama -debug -ibmacpi" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-misc/krename-3.0.11-r1 USE="arts xinerama -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/kwebget-0.8.1 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-misc/filelight-1.0 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-misc/kbfx- USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/knemo-0.4.0 USE="arts wifi xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-backup/kdar-2.0.7 USE="arts xinerama -dar32 -dar64 -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/libkcal-3.5.6-r1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kicker-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xcomposite xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdepim-kioslaves-3.5.6-r1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug -sasl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kfind-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/knewsticker-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdepasswd-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/noatun-3.5.6 USE="kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/atlantik-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeartwork-kwin-styles-3.5.6 USE="kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kjsembed-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/dcoprss-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ktouch-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kstars-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/klatin-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/khangman-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kalzium-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kate-plugins-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kbounce-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kpoker-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kpat-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kbackgammon-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksirtet-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/klines-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kshisen-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksnake-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksame-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kgoldrunner-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kblackbox-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksokoban-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kmines-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kfouleggs-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/lskat-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kasteroids-3.5.6 USE="kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kwin4-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ktron-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kenolaba-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kbattleship-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kmahjongg-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/konquest-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kjumpingcube-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksmiletris-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kreversi-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/klickety-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ktuberling-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kolf-3.5.6 USE="kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/katomic-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kspaceduel-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kaboodle-3.5.6 USE="kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kscd-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/crystal-1.0.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/libkdepim-3.5.6-r1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/libkpimexchange-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kappfinder-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksync-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/knewsticker-scripts-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/atlantikdesigner-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kicker-applets-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/konsolekalendar-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kandy-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/konqueror-3.5.6 USE="arts java kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/konq-plugins-3.5.6-r1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kviewshell-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdvi-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug -emacs -tetex" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kfax-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kghostview-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/cervisia-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kppp-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdebase-startkde-3.5.6-r1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/drkonqi-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/konsole-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/korn-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/konqueror-akregator-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kgpg-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kcron-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kcachegrind-3.5.6-r1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/kuroo-0.80.2-r1 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-cdr/kiso-0.8.3 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-editors/kile-1.9.3 USE="arts kde xinerama -debug" LINGUAS="de -br -ca -cs -cy -da -el -en_GB -es -et -eu -fi -fr -ga -gl -hi -hu -is -it -ja -lt -mt -nb -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -rw -sk -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -tr -zh_CN" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dialup/rppppoek-0.40 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/smb4k-0.8.1 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/oooqs- USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/kdbg-2.0.5 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/kplayer-0.6.0 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-i18n/koffice-i18n-1.6.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug" LINGUAS="de -ca -cs -cy -da -el -en_GB -es -et -eu -fi -fr -hu -it -ja -lv -ms -nb -nl -pl -pt -pt_BR -ru -sk -sl -sr -sr@Latn -sv -uk -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-emulation/kvisualboyadvance-0.3.1 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/kvpnc-0.8.8 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/gtk+-2.10.9 USE="X jpeg tiff xinerama -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/gtk-engines-2.8.2 USE="accessibility -debug -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/beryl-manager-0.2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/xvid4conf-1.12 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/em8300-libraries-0.16.0 USE="gtk" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/alsa-tools-1.0.14_rc1-r1 USE="gtk midi -fltk" ALSA_CARDS="emu10k1 emu10k1x -darla20 -darla24 -gina20 -gina24 -hdsp -hdspm -ice1712 -indigo -indigoio -layla20 -layla24 -mia -mixart -mona -pcxhr -rme32 -rme96 -sb16 -sbawe -sscape -usb-usx2y -vx222" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-cdr/dvdisaster-0.70.1 USE="gnome nls -debug" LINGUAS="de -cs -it -sv" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/man-1.6e-r3 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/glib-2.12.9 USE="-debug -doc -hardened" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/atk-1.12.3 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-base/libxfce4util-4.4.1 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gnome-keyring-0.6.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libwnck-2.16.2 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libIDL-0.8.7 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/gamin-0.1.8 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-cpp/glibmm-2.8.4 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/desktop-file-utils-0.12 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/liboil-0.3.10-r1 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/gob-2.0.12 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/glib-perl-1.141 USE="xml" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libmms-0.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/sshfs-fuse-1.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/orbit-2.14.2 USE="ssl -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-base/libxfcegui4-4.4.1 USE="startup-notification -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-cpp/gtkmm-2.8.3 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-base/libxfce4mcs-4.4.1 USE="startup-notification -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Event-RPC-0.90 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-base/xfce-mcs-manager-4.4.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-appfinder-4.4.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/mousepad-0.2.12 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-taskmanager-0.3.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-base/xfce-mcs-plugins-4.4.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-lang/python-2.4.3-r4 USE="berkdb gdbm ipv6 ncurses readline ssl tk -bootstrap -build -doc -nocxx -ucs2" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/java-config-2.0.31-r5 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/webapp-config-1.50.15 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/scons-0.96.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/java-config-1.3.7 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/iso-codes-0.58 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pyxml-0.8.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/python-fchksum-1.7.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/file-4.20-r1 USE="python" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/cracklib-2.8.9-r1 USE="nls python" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pyrex- 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pygobject-2.12.3 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/numeric-23.7 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pycrypto-2.0.1-r5 USE="gmp -bindist -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-zope/zopeinterface-3.0.1 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/boost-1.33.1-r1 USE="icu -bcp -bjam -debug -doc -pyste -threads -threadsonly" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/elementtree-1.2.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pyopenssl-0.6 USE="-tetex" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pyserial-2.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/mmpython-0.4.10 USE="dvd" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pylirc-0.0.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pyorbit-2.14.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/gentoolkit-0.2.3-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/eyeD3-0.6.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/dnspython-1.3.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/asciidoc-7.0.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/xxdiff-3.2 USE="kde python" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pysqlite-2.3.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/python-cdb-0.32 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/mercurial-0.9.3-r1 USE="-bash-completion -emacs -zsh-completion" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.2.15-r3 USE="perl python tcl -doc -rrdcgi (-uclibc)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/layman-1.0.99 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/blackdown-jdk- USE="nsplugin -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/sfftobmp-3.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] www-misc/htdig-3.1.6-r7 USE="-vhosts" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/kstreamripper-0.3.4 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/blackdown-jre- USE="nsplugin" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-wireless/wlassistant-0.5.7 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/sun-jdk- USE="X alsa nsplugin -doc -examples -jce" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/ant-core-1.6.5-r14 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/db-4.5.20_p2 USE="java tcl -bootstrap -doc -nocxx -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/pdflib-5.0.4_p1-r1 USE="java perl python tcl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/javacup-0.10k-r1 USE="-source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/gnu-crypto-2.0.1-r2 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/beecrypt-4.1.2-r1 USE="java python -nocxx -threads" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/db-4.3.29-r2 USE="java tcl -bootstrap -doc -nocxx -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/db-4.2.52_p4-r2 USE="java tcl -bootstrap -doc -nocxx -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/pam-0.78-r5 USE="berkdb -nis -pam_chroot -pam_console -pam_timestamp -pwdb (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/gdbm-1.8.3-r3 USE="berkdb" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/jakarta-oro-2.0.8-r2 USE="-doc -examples -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/xml-commons-external-1.3.02-r1 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/bcel-5.2 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/jakarta-regexp-1.3-r4 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/commons-logging-1.1-r2 USE="-avalon-framework -avalon-logkit -doc -log4j -servletapi -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/iproute2- USE="berkdb -atm -minimal" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/servletapi-2.3-r3 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/xml-commons-resolver-1.1-r1 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/xjavac-20041208-r4 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/rhino-1.5.5-r4 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/jdepend-2.9-r3 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/jzlib-1.0.7-r1 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/junit-3.8.1-r3 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/servletapi-2.4-r5 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/commons-collections-3.2 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/log4j-1.2.14-r1 USE="-doc -javamail -jms -jmx -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kbabel-3.5.6 USE="arts berkdb kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-board/jrisk- USE="-jikes" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-editors/jedit-4.2-r2 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-boot/netboot-0.10.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/webalizer-2.01.10-r15 USE="apache2 geoip nls -vhosts -xtended" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/libgtop-2.14.6 USE="X gdbm -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/shadow- USE="cracklib nls pam -nousuid (-selinux) -skey" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dialup/ppp-2.4.4-r4 USE="activefilter dhcp gtk ipv6 pam radius -atm -eap-tls -mppe-mppc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/bsf-2.3.0-r5 USE="-doc -jython -rhino -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/xerces-2.7.1-r2 USE="-doc -examples -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/commons-net-1.4.1-r1 USE="-doc -examples -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdebase-pam-6 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/libperl-5.8.8-r1 USE="berkdb gdbm -debug -ithreads" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/c-client-2004a-r1 USE="pam ssl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-ftp/ftpbase-0.00 USE="pam" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/cvs-1.12.12-r4 USE="crypt kerberos nls pam server -doc -emacs" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/wvstreams-4.2.2-r2 USE="pam qt3 slp -debug -doc -qdbm" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/jsch-0.1.30 USE="-doc -examples -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/commons-beanutils-1.6.1-r3 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/vpnc-0.4.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Authen-PAM-0.16 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/openvpn-2.0.6 USE="pam ssl -examples -iproute2 -minimal -passwordsave (-selinux) -static -threads" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dialup/wvdial-1.56 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/xalan-2.7.0-r2 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kcheckpass-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility pam xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dialup/rp-pppoe-3.8-r1 USE="X" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/slocate-2.7-r8 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/projectx- USE="X -doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/rpm2targz-9.0-r5 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/realplayer-10.0.8-r1 USE="X nsplugin" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-process/vixie-cron-4.1-r10 USE="pam -debug (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-analyzer/ntop-3.2-r3 USE="ipv6 nls snmp ssl tcpd zlib" 0 kB [ebuild R ] www-apps/mythweb-0.20_p11671 USE="-vhosts" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/distcc-2.18.3-r10 USE="gnome gtk ipv6 (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] www-apps/bugzilla-2.22.2 USE="apache2 graphviz mysql -extras -postgres -vhosts" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-cdr/nero- USE="mp3 ogg sox vorbis -shorten" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libxml2-2.6.27 USE="ipv6 python readline -debug -doc -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gconf-2.14.0 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/libglade-2.6.0 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/fontconfig-2.4.2 USE="xml -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/dbus-glib-0.73 USE="-debug -doc (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/libbonobo-2.16.0 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.20 USE="crypt python -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/gstreamer-0.10.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheets-1.70.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/shared-mime-info-0.19 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-NamespaceSupport-1.09 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/vcdimager-0.7.23 USE="xml -minimal" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libxklavier-3.1 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/gstreamer-0.8.11 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-LibXML-Common-0.13 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libcroco-0.6.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libsvg-0.1.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/ogle-0.9.2-r1 USE="alsa mmx oss xv (-altivec)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-tv/dvbtune-0.5 USE="xml" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-cpp/libxmlpp-2.12.0 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-tv/tvtime-1.0.2-r1 USE="nls xinerama" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-fs/davfs2-1.1.4 USE="ssl -debug -socks5" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/gst-plugins-base-0.10.11 USE="X alsa esd oss xv -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXft-2.1.12 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/gst-plugins-0.8.11 USE="alsa esd oss -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-SAX-0.14-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/corefonts-1-r2 USE="X" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/audacious-1.3.2 USE="nls -chardet" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/poppler-0.5.4-r1 USE="jpeg zlib -cjk" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/font-adobe-100dpi-1.0.0 USE="X nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/font-adobe-75dpi-1.0.0 USE="X nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/font-misc-misc-1.0.0 USE="X nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/font-cursor-misc-1.0.0 USE="X nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-base/xfce-utils-4.4.1-r1 USE="dbus -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/dbus-python-0.71 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-cpp/gconfmm-2.12.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-cpp/libglademm-2.6.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/ttf-bitstream-vera-1.10-r3 USE="X" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/font-adobe-utopia-type1-1.0.1 USE="X" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/font-bh-type1-1.0.0 USE="X" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kxsldbg-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/quanta-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.2-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dialup/gnome-ppp-0.3.23 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/sharefonts-0.10-r3 USE="X" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/freefonts-0.10-r3 USE="X" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/icecast-2.2.0 USE="-yp" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-www/netscape-flash- USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/ogle-gui-0.9.2 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-fonts/intlfonts-1.2.1 USE="X -bdf" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-LibXML-1.62.001-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-ogg-0.10.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-mad-0.10.3-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-flac-0.10.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-vorbis-0.10.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-gconf-0.10.3 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/gst-plugins-good-0.10.4 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-Filter-BufferText-1.01 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-xvideo-0.10.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-base/xfce4-session-4.4.1 USE="dbus gnome -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-mad-0.8.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-flac-0.8.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-vorbis-0.8.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-ogg-0.8.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-faad-0.8.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-alsa-0.10.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-oss-0.10.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-x-0.10.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-esd-0.10.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-esd-0.8.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-alsa-0.8.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-oss-0.8.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/audacious-crossfade-0.3.12 USE="libsamplerate" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-Simple-2.16 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-SAX-Writer-0.50 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/juk-3.5.6 USE="arts flac gstreamer kdeenablefinal mp3 vorbis xinerama -akode -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/icon-naming-utils-0.8.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/perl-ldap-0.33-r1 USE="ssl xml -sasl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/gnome-themes-2.16.2 USE="accessibility -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/gnome-icon-theme-2.16.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-accessibility/gnome-speech-0.4.6 USE="-debug -freetts" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libgksu-2.0.0 USE="nls -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-analyzer/gnome-nettool-2.16.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/ncurses-5.6 USE="gpm unicode -bootstrap -build -debug -doc -minimal -nocxx -trace" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/lame-3.97 USE="gtk -debug -mp3rtp" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/texinfo-4.8-r5 USE="nls -build -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit-0.101.1-r1 USE="alsa mmx oss portaudio sndfile sse (-altivec) -caps (-coreaudio) -cpudetection -debug -doc -jack-tmpfs -netjack" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/gpm-1.20.1-r5 USE="(-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-shells/bash-3.1_p17 USE="nls -afs -bashlogger -vanilla" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/gdb-6.6-r2 USE="nls -test -vanilla" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/slang-1.4.9-r2 USE="unicode -cjk" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-accessibility/festival-1.95_beta-r1 USE="X esd mbrola -asterisk" LINGUAS="-es" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-editors/vim-core-7.0.174 USE="acl nls -bash-completion -livecd" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/libreadline-java-0.8.0-r2 USE="-doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/gwenhywfar-2.4.0 USE="ncurses ssl -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/netkit-rsh-0.17-r7 USE="pam" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-editors/nano-2.0.3 USE="ncurses nls slang spell unicode -debug -justify -minimal" 0 kB [ebuild R ] www-client/lynx-2.8.6-r2 USE="bzip2 ipv6 nls ssl unicode -cjk" LINGUAS="-ja" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-crypt/pinentry-0.7.2-r3 USE="gtk ncurses qt3 -caps" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libmtp-0.1.3 USE="-doc -examples" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-ftp/ncftp-3.1.9 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-analyzer/ifstatus-1.1.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-ftp/ftp-0.17-r6 USE="ipv6 ssl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-process/psmisc-22.3 USE="X ipv6 nls (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/ufed-0.40-r6 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-boot/grub-0.97-r3 USE="netboot -custom-cflags -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/less-394 USE="unicode" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-editors/hexedit-1.2.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-misc/screen-4.0.3 USE="pam -debug -multiuser -nethack (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/readline-5.2_p2 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/e2fsprogs-1.39 USE="nls -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/gcc-4.1.1-r3 USE="fortran gtk nls (-altivec) -bootstrap -build -doc -gcj (-hardened) -ip28 -ip32r10k -mudflap (-multilib) -multislot (-n32) (-n64) -nocxx -objc -objc++ -objc-gc -test -vanilla" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/autoconf-2.13 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/dialog-1.1.20070227 USE="unicode -examples" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/aspell-0.50.5-r4 USE="gpm" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/ed-0.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/which-2.16 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/groff-1.19.2-r1 USE="X -cjk" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/newt-0.51.6-r1 USE="gpm" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/bsh-2.0_beta4-r1 USE="readline -doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/sharutils-4.6.3 USE="nls -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/libchipcard-2.1.8 USE="ssl usb -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/jython-2.1-r11 USE="readline -doc -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/akode-2.0.1 USE="alsa flac jack mp3 oss vorbis -speex" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/krec-3.5.6 USE="encode kdeenablefinal mp3 vorbis xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/bio2jack-0.7 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/perl-cleaner-1.04.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/kphone-4.2-r1 USE="alsa jack -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-emulation/dosemu-1.3.3 USE="X gpm svga -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/udept- USE="-bash-completion" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/glibc-2.5 USE="nls nptl nptlonly -build -glibc-compat20 -glibc-omitfp (-hardened) (-multilib) -profile (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXaw-1.0.2 USE="-debug -xprint" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-db/mysql-5.0.38 USE="berkdb perl ssl -big-tables -cluster -debug -embedded -extraengine -latin1 -max-idx-128 -minimal (-selinux) -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/sgml-common-0.6.3-r4 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-lang/ruby-1.8.5_p2 USE="ipv6 tk -cjk -debug -doc -examples -socks5 -threads" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-db/unixODBC-2.2.11-r1 USE="qt3" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/cdparanoia-3.9.8-r5 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-scheme/guile-1.6.7 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-dicts/aspell-en-0.51.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/xfsprogs-2.8.11 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/aqbanking-2.2.1 USE="chipcard geldkarte hbci kde python qt3 -debug -dtaus -ofx -yellownet" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-devel/bc-1.06-r6 USE="readline -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-lang/lua-5.1.1-r2 USE="readline -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/util-linux-2.12r-r6 USE="crypt nls perl -old-crypt (-selinux) -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-ftp/tftp-hpa-0.48 USE="readline tcpd (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/reiser4progs-1.0.5 USE="readline -debug -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/parted-1.8.6 USE="device-mapper nls readline -debug (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/alsa-utils-1.0.14_rc2-r3 USE="midi nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-board/gnuchess-5.07 USE="readline" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/hunspell-1.1.4-r1 USE="ncurses readline" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/artsplugin-akode-3.5.6 USE="kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/ntp-4.2.4-r1 USE="ipv6 ssl -caps -debug -openntpd -parse-clocks (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/progsreiserfs-0.3.1_rc8 USE="nls -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/dump-0.4.41 USE="readline -ermt -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dialup/mgetty-1.1.35-r2 USE="-doc -fidonet" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-mail/metamail- 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/upnp-1.3.1 USE="-debug -doc" 718 kB [ebuild R ] app-dicts/aspell-de-0.50.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dialup/pppconfig-2.3.15 USE="nls" LINGUAS="de -ca -cs -da -el -es -eu -fi -fr -gl -he -id -it -ja -ko -lt -nb -nl -nn -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -sk -sv -tl -tr -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/gentoolkit-dev- 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-kernel/genkernel-3.4.8 USE="-bash-completion (-ibm) (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/davl-1.2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dialup/qtwvdialer-0.4.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-benchmarks/cpuburn-1.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-nds/openldap-2.3.30-r2 USE="berkdb crypt gdbm ipv6 kerberos odbc perl readline samba slp ssl tcpd -debug -minimal -overlays -sasl (-selinux) -smbkrb5passwd" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/hal- USE="acpi crypt dmi pcmcia -debug -doc (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/koffice-libs-1.6.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/gnutls-1.4.4-r1 USE="nls zlib -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/nas-1.8b USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-cdr/cdrtools-2.01.01_alpha10 USE="unicode" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/openmotif-2.2.3-r9 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/libstdc++-v3-3.3.6 USE="nls nptl -build (-multilib)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/sox-12.17.9 USE="alsa encode mad ogg" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-ruby/rubygems-0.8.11-r6 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/DBD-mysql-3.0008 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-lang/ocaml-3.09.3 USE="tk -latex" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/pcmcia-cs-3.2.8-r2 USE="X gtk -trusted -vanilla -xforms" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/ladspa-sdk-1.12-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xmessage-1.0.1 USE="-debug -xprint" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-pda/pilot-link-0.11.8 USE="java perl png python readline tk" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.1.2-r6 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/enchant-1.2.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/t1lib-5.0.2 USE="X -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-3.0-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Crypt-SSLeay-0.51-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.4-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/psutils-1.17 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/openjade-1.3.2-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/docbook-dsssl-stylesheets-1.79 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdemultimedia-kioslaves-3.5.6 USE="arts encode flac kdeenablefinal mp3 vorbis xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/xfsdump-2.2.42 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/mt-st-0.7-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/nettle-1.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-4.1-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-4.0-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-3.1-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/matroxset-0.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dns/idnkit-1.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/libwww-5.4.0-r7 USE="mysql ssl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libical-0.26.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-scheme/slib-3.1.1-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-wireless/madwifi-ng-tools-0.9.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/apmd-3.2.2_p5 USE="X nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/docbook-xml-simple-dtd- 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/docbook-xml-simple-dtd-1.0-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/povray-3.6.1-r2 USE="X svga" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/mysql-python-1.2.1_p2 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/jfsutils-1.1.8 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/g-wrap-1.9.6-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/boehm-gc-6.7 USE="-nocxx -threads" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-block/mtx-1.2.18 0 kB [ebuild R ] sci-visualization/gnuplot-4.0-r1 USE="X gd pdf png readline -doc -emacs -ggi -plotutils -svga -xemacs" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kmtrace-3.5.5 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/elfutils-0.125 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/db-3.2.9-r11 USE="java -doc -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/librsync-0.9.7 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-portage/deltup-0.4.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-cdparanoia-0.10.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/bridge-utils-1.2 USE="-sysfs" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-terms/xterm-222 USE="toolbar truetype unicode -Xaw3d -paste64" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xsm-1.0.1 USE="-debug -xprint" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/xclock-1.0.2 USE="-debug -xprint" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-db/qt-unixODBC-3.3.8 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-4.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-forensics/chkrootkit-0.45 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-block/noflushd-2.7.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-block/partimage-0.6.4-r3 USE="nls ssl -nologin" 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-board/xboard-4.2.7 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-analyzer/nmap-4.20 USE="gtk ssl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/mpd-0.12.1 USE="aac alsa audiofile flac icecast ipv6 mikmod mp3 oss unicode vorbis -ao -musepack -pulseaudio" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/qbankmanager-0.9.38 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/udftools-1.0.0b-r6 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/patchutils-0.2.30 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-accessibility/sphinx2-0.6 USE="-static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/conky-1.4.5 USE="X audacious hddtemp ipv6 mpd truetype (-bmpx) -vim-syntax" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/ocrad-0.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dialup/qlcr-0.4.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/mesa-6.5.1-r1 USE="motif nptl -debug -doc -hardened" VIDEO_CARDS="i810 mach64 mga r128 radeon s3virge savage sis tdfx trident via -none (-sunffb)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/scrollkeeper-0.3.14-r2 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/gnome-doc-utils-0.8.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/gkrellm-2.2.10 USE="X gnutls lm_sensors nls ssl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/libwww-perl-5.805 USE="ssl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] mail-mta/postfix-2.3.6 USE="ipv6 ldap mailwrapper mysql pam ssl -cdb -dovecot-sasl -hardened -mbox -nis -postgres -sasl (-selinux) -vda" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/libsoup-2.2.99 USE="ssl -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-cdr/dvd+rw-tools-7.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libgphoto2-2.2.1-r1 USE="exif hal nls -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/gtkspell-2.0.11-r1 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Template-Toolkit-2.15-r1 USE="gd mysql xml -latex -postgres" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/libnfsidmap-0.17 USE="ldap" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/openssh-4.5_p1-r1 USE="X X509 kerberos ldap pam smartcard tcpd -chroot -hpn -libedit (-selinux) -skey -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/kchart-1.6.2 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/kexi-1.6.2-r1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal mysql xinerama -debug -postgres" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/apr-util-0.9.12 USE="berkdb gdbm ldap" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-misc/lcdproc-0.5.1-r4 USE="joystick ldap lirc nfs samba usb -debug -doc -irman -seamless-hbars" LCD_DEVICES="bayrad cfontz cfontz633 glk hd44780 lb216 lcdm001 mtxorb ncurses text -cfontzpacket -cwlinux -eyeboxone -g15 -graphlcd -icpa106 -imon -iowarrior -lcterm -md8800 -ms6931 -mtcs16209x -noritakevfd -pyramid -sed1330 -sed1520 -serialvfd -sli -stv5730 -svga -t6963 -tyan -ula200 -xosd" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-editors/xemacs-21.4.20-r1 USE="X berkdb esd gdbm gif gpm jpeg ldap motif nas png tiff -Xaw3d -athena -canna -dnd -eolconv -freewnn -mule -neXt -pop -postgres -xface" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/ladspa-cmt-1.15 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/cyrus-sasl-2.1.22-r2 USE="berkdb crypt gdbm java kerberos ldap mysql pam ssl -authdaemond -ntlm_unsupported_patch -postgres -sample -srp -urandom" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/docbook-sgml-utils-0.6.14 USE="-tetex" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/libmal-0.31 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/kformula-1.6.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/kivio-1.6.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/kpresenter-1.6.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/kplato-1.6.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/kugar-1.6.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/koshell-1.6.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-wireless/madwifi-ng-0.9.3-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-ruby/daemons-1.0.4 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-ruby/fastthread-0.6.3 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-ruby/rake-0.7.1 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-ruby/cgi_multipart_eof_fix-1.0.0 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-power/powersave-0.14.0 USE="-doc -pam_console" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/python-ldap-2.2.1 USE="ssl -doc -sasl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dns/bind-9.3.4-r2 USE="berkdb idn ipv6 ldap mysql odbc ssl -dlz -doc -postgres -resolvconf (-selinux) -threads" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dialup/isdn4k-utils-3.9_pre20060124 USE="X activefilter isdnlog pcmcia usb -eurofile -ipppd -mschap" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/pmount-0.9.13 USE="crypt hal" 0 kB [ebuild Rf ] net-misc/icaclient-10.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-mail/dovecot-1.0_rc29 USE="ipv6 kerberos ldap mysql pam ssl -debug -doc -mbox -pop3d -postgres -sieve -suid -vpopmail" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-fs/autofs-4.1.3-r7 USE="ldap" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-irc/xchat-2.8.0 USE="dbus ipv6 mmx nls perl python spell ssl tcl -debug -xchatdccserver -xchatnogtk -xchattext" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-base/xorg-server-1.1.1-r5 USE="aiglx dri ipv6 nptl sdl xorg -3dfx -debug -dmx -kdrive -minimal -xprint" INPUT_DEVICES="evdev joystick keyboard mouse synaptics vmmouse -acecad -aiptek -calcomp -citron -digitaledge -dmc -dynapro -elo2300 -elographics -fpit -hyperpen -jamstudio -magellan -microtouch -mutouch -palmax -penmount -spaceorb -summa -tek4957 -ur98 -void -wacom" VIDEO_CARDS="apm ark chips cirrus cyrix dummy fbdev fglrx glint i128 i740 i810 imstt mach64 mga neomagic nsc nv nvidia r128 radeon rendition s3 s3virge savage siliconmotion sis sisusb tdfx tga trident tseng v4l vesa vga via vmware voodoo -epson (-impact) (-newport) (-sunbw2) (-suncg14) (-suncg3) (-suncg6) (-sunffb) (-sunleo) (-suntcx)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/glut-3.7.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/acl-2.2.39-r1 USE="nfs nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kcontrol-3.5.6 USE="arts ieee1394 kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility opengl ssl xinerama -debug -logitech-mouse" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.18-r2 USE="gphoto2 ipv6 usb v4l" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/openexr-1.2.2-r2 USE="-doc -examples" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/sudo-1.6.8_p12-r1 USE="ldap pam -offensive (-selinux) -skey" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-www/apache-2.0.58-r2 USE="apache2 ldap ssl -debug -doc -mpm-itk -mpm-leader -mpm-peruser -mpm-prefork -mpm-threadpool -mpm-worker (-selinux) -static-modules -threads" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/system-tools-backends-1.4.2-r1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/MIME-tools-5.420 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/glitz-0.5.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/gtkglarea-1.99.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-fs/nfs-utils-1.0.12 USE="kerberos tcpd -nonfsv4" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kamera-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-DOM-1.44 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kscreensaver-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility opengl xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/kspread-1.6.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/WWW-Mechanize-1.16 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/libvisual-plugins-0.4.0-r1 USE="alsa esd gstreamer gtk jack mplayer opengl -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-Twig-3.28 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kpovmodeler-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-ruby/gem_plugin-0.2.2 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] mail-client/mailx- 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/libgda-1.2.3 USE="berkdb ldap mysql odbc sqlite -debug -doc -firebird -freetds -mdb -oci8 -postgres -xbase" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/gnome2-user-docs-2.16.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-plugins/gkrellm-bluez-0.2-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-xemacs/xemacs-base-1.75 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/libvisual-plugins-0.2.0 USE="esd gtk jack opengl -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-plugins/gkrellm-countdown-0.1.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/gtk-doc-1.6-r1 USE="-debug -doc -emacs" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Template-DBI-2.64 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-process/at-3.1.8-r11 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-plugins/gkrellm-hddtemp-0.2_beta-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-plugins/gkrellm-volume-2.1.13 USE="alsa" 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-emulation/snes9x-1.43-r1 USE="joystick opengl zlib -debug -dga" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-plugins/gkrellkam-2.0.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-power/kpowersave-0.7.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-plugins/gkrellmms-2.1.22-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-plugins/gkrellm-cpufreq-0.5.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-power/apcupsd-3.10.18-r1 USE="apache2 ncurses nls snmp usb -cgi -doc -threads" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-plugins/gkrellm-mailwatch-2.4.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-plugins/gkrellm-bgchanger-0.1.7 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-tv/kdetv-0.8.9 USE="arts lirc opengl xinerama zvbi -debug" LINGUAS="de -bg -br -ca -cs -cy -da -el -en_GB -es -et -fi -fr -ga -gl -hu -is -it -lt -mt -nb -nl -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -rw -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -tr -zh_CN" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-plugins/gkrellm-leds-0.8.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-wm/beryl-core-0.2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/imaging-1.1.5 USE="X scanner tk -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-apps/coreutils-6.7-r1 USE="acl nls (-selinux) -static -xattr" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/jasper-1.701.0 USE="jpeg opengl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pyopengl- 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/tetex-3.0_p1-r3 USE="X motif tk -Xaw3d -doc -lesstif -neXt" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/ftgl-2.1.2-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/vnc-4.1.2 USE="server" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/subversion-1.4.3 USE="apache2 berkdb java nls perl python -bash-completion -emacs -nowebdav -ruby" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdm-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility pam xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/libkscan-3.5.5 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kttsd-3.5.6 USE="alsa arts gstreamer kdeenablefinal xinerama -akode -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-apps/mesa-progs-6.5.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-editors/vim-7.0.174 USE="acl gpm nls perl python -bash-completion -cscope -minimal -ruby -vim-pager -vim-with-x" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/rsync-2.6.9-r2 USE="acl ipv6 -static -xinetd" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-i810-1.6.5 USE="dri -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-via-0.2.1-r1 USE="dri -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-tv/xmltv-0.5.45 USE="-be -br -brnet -ch -de_tvtoday -dk -ee -es -es_laguiatv -fi -fr -hr -huro -il -is -it -jp -na_dd -na_icons -nl -nl_wolf -no -pt -re -se_swedb -tv_check -tv_pick_cgi -uk_bleb -uk_rt -za" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdegraphics-kfile-plugins-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal openexr xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/gle-3.0.1-r2 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kbstateapplet-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] www-servers/mongrel-1.0.1 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-ml/lablgl-1.00 USE="glut tk -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/XML-XQL-0.68 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/bsdtar-2.1.5 USE="acl -build -static -xattr" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pylibacl-0.2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-ark-0.6.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-vmmouse-12.4.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-vmware-10.13.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-tseng-1.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-vga-4.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-joystick-1.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-s3virge-1.9.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/synaptics-0.14.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-nv-1.2.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-neomagic-1.1.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-i740-1.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-i128-1.2.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-siliconmotion-1.4.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-dummy-0.2.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-voodoo-1.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev-1.1.5-r1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse-1.1.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-apm-1.1.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/ati-drivers-8.35.5 USE="acpi qt3" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-trident-1.2.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-rendition-4.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-cirrus-1.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-mga-1.4.2 USE="dri -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-sisusb-0.8.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-savage-2.1.1 USE="dri -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-chips-1.1.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-v4l-0.1.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-nsc-2.8.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard-1.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-glint-1.1.1 USE="dri -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-tga-1.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-s3-0.4.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-cyrix-1.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-tdfx-1.2.1-r1 USE="dri -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-vesa-1.2.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-sis-0.9.1-r1 USE="dri -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-fbdev-0.3.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-imstt-1.1.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-6.6.3 USE="dri -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.12 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/nvidia-settings-1.0.20070302 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Template-XML-2.16-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/SOAP-Lite-0.67 USE="ssl -jabber" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-p2p/kmldonkey-0.10.1 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-tv/mythtv-0.20_p13288 USE="alsa dbox2 dts dvb dvd freebox ieee1394 jack joystick lcd lirc mmx opengl perl vorbis xvmc (-altivec) -autostart -backendonly -crciprec -debug -frontendonly -hdhomerun -ivtv" VIDEO_CARDS="i810 nvidia via" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/eselect-1.0.7 USE="-bash-completion -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-wm/emerald-0.2.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdesktop-3.5.6-r1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama xscreensaver -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdesdk-kioslaves-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/beryl-settings-bindings-0.2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-wm/aquamarine-0.2.1 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kooka-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksayit-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libprojectm-0.99-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/reportlab-1.20 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-base/xorg-x11-7.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/pdfjam-1.20 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/unmakeself-1.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/kdesvn-0.11.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-vim/gentoo-syntax-20051221-r1 USE="-ignore-glep31" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-vim/vim-spell-de-20051008 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-backup/rdiff-backup-1.0.5 USE="acl -xattr" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/skencil-0.6.17 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/mythcontrols-0.20 USE="mmx -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/emerald-themes-0.2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/mythbrowser-0.20 USE="mmx -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/mythgallery-0.20_p13239 USE="exif mmx -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/mythphone-0.20_p11671 USE="festival mmx -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/mythgame-0.20_p13239 USE="mmx -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/mythnews-0.20 USE="mmx -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/mythflix-0.20 USE="mmx -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/mythweather-0.20 USE="mmx -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-crypt/gnupg-1.9.21 USE="X ldap nls smartcard -gpg2-experimental (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-crypt/gpgme-1.1.2-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] mail-filter/spamassassin-3.1.8-r1 USE="berkdb ipv6 ldap mysql sqlite ssl tools -doc -postgres -qmail" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/rpm-4.4.6-r3 USE="nls perl python sqlite -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/kmymoney2-0.8.6 USE="arts crypt hbci xinerama -debug -ofx" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/libkdenetwork-3.5.4 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-proxy/squid-2.6.12 USE="ldap logrotate pam samba snmp ssl -ipf-transparent -nis (-pf-transparent) -sasl (-selinux) -zero-penalty-hit" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-proxy/squidguard-1.2.0-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kaudiocreator-3.5.6 USE="arts encode flac kdeenablefinal mp3 vorbis xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/mythdvd-0.20_p11329 USE="mmx transcode vcd -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gkrellmpc-0.1_beta9 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-plugins/gkrellshoot-0.4.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/libgnomeui-2.16.1 USE="jpeg -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/gnome-keyring-manager-2.16.0-r1 USE="-debug -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-analyzer/etherape-0.9.6-r1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/grdesktop-0.23 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-editors/gvim-7.0.174 USE="acl gnome gpm gtk motif nls perl python (-aqua) -bash-completion -cscope -netbeans -nextaw -ruby" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gnome-mount-0.4-r5 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gnome-vfs-2.16.3 USE="avahi gnutls hal ipv6 samba ssl -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/libgnome-2.16.0 USE="esd -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-fs/ntfsprogs-1.13.1 USE="crypt fuse gnome -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-cpp/gnome-vfsmm-2.16.0 USE="-debug -doc -examples" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-gnomevfs-0.10.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-gnomevfs-0.8.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/evolution-data-server-1.8.2 USE="ipv6 kerberos krb4 ldap nntp ssl -debug -doc -keyring" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-cpp/libgnomemm-2.12.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/gconf-editor-2.16.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/gcalctool-5.8.25 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/gnome-system-monitor-2.16.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/camorama-0.18 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-block/gparted-0.3.3 USE="fat hfs jfs ntfs reiser4 reiserfs xfs -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/testdisk-6.5 USE="jpeg ntfs reiserfs -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/rhythmbox-0.8.8-r1 USE="aac flac mad pda vorbis -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/evolution-webcal-2.8.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-im/gaim-1.5.0 USE="eds gnutls krb4 nas nls perl spell tcl tk -cjk -debug -silc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libsdl-1.2.11-r2 USE="X alsa arts directfb esd fbcon nas opengl oss svga xinerama xv -aalib -dga -ggi -libcaca -noaudio -noflagstrip -nojoystick -novideo" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libdv-1.0.0-r1 USE="gtk sdl xv -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/smpeg-0.4.4-r8 USE="X gtk mmx opengl -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/sdl-ttf-2.0.8 USE="X" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/sdl-image-1.2.5-r1 USE="gif jpeg png tiff" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libmpeg2-0.4.1 USE="X sdl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/sdl-net-1.2.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/openal-0.0.8-r1 USE="alsa arts esd mp3 sdl vorbis -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/sdl-gfx-2.0.13-r1 USE="mmx" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/plib-1.8.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/noatun-plugins-3.5.6 USE="arts berkdb kdeenablefinal sdl xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-emulation/visualboyadvance-1.7.2-r1 USE="gtk mmx nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/sdl-sound-1.0.1-r1 USE="flac mikmod vorbis -physfs -speex" 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-arcade/pengupop-2.2.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/zziplib-0.13.49 USE="sdl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/mythmusic-0.20_p13239 USE="aac cdr fftw mmx sdl -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-emulation/virtualbox-1.3.8 USE="additions alsa vditool -nowrapper -sdk -vboxbfe" 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-emulation/zsnes-1.51 USE="opengl png -ao -custom-cflags" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-emulation/xen-tools-3.0.2-r4 USE="sdl vnc -custom-cflags -debug -doc -pygrub -screen" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libmovtar-0.1.3-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/sdl-mixer-1.2.7 USE="mikmod mp3 vorbis -timidity" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/pwlib-1.10.5 USE="alsa ieee1394 ipv6 ldap oss sdl ssl v4l v4l2 xml -debug -sasl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-action/tuxkart-0.4.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-emulation/dosbox-0.70 USE="alsa opengl -debug -hardened" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pygame-1.6.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/sdl-perl-2.1.3-r2 USE="mpeg truetype" 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-strategy/freeciv-2.0.9 USE="alsa esd gtk nls readline sdl -Xaw3d -auth -dedicated" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/pango-1.14.10 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/libgnomecanvas-2.14.0 USE="X -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-wm/metacity-2.16.3 USE="xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-base/xfwm4-4.4.1 USE="startup-notification xcomposite -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/gucharmap-1.8.0 USE="gnome -cjk -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libsexy-0.1.10 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/sdl-pango-0.1.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/gtkglext-1.2.0 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-analyzer/wireshark-0.99.5 USE="gtk ipv6 kerberos portaudio snmp ssl -adns (-selinux) -threads" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gnome-desktop-2.16.2 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/libbonoboui-2.16.0 USE="X -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gail-1.9.3 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/notification-daemon-0.3.6-r1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-cpp/libgnomecanvasmm-2.12.0 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-arcade/frozen-bubble-2.1.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libnotify-0.4.3 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/at-spi-1.7.12 USE="X -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/gtkhtml-2.6.3 USE="accessibility -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/gnome-spell-1.0.7-r1 USE="-debug -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-cpp/libgnomeuimm-2.12.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-cdr/cdrdao-1.2.1-r1 USE="encode gnome -debug -pccts" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-accessibility/gnome-mag-0.14.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/zenity-2.16.2 USE="libnotify -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-accessibility/dasher-4.2.2 USE="accessibility cairo gnome -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-accessibility/gok-1.2.0 USE="X -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-base/xfce4-panel-4.4.1 USE="startup-notification -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-base/orage-4.4.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-mixer-4.4.1 USE="alsa -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-smartbookmark-0.4.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-genmon-3.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-sensors-0.10.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-diskperf-2.1.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-dict-0.2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-timer-0.5.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-systemload-0.4.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-cpugraph-0.3.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-mount-0.4.8 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-screenshooter-1.0.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-quicklauncher-1.9.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-xkb-0.4.3-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-netload-0.4.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-wavelan-0.5.4 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-weather-0.6.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-datetime-0.5.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-notes-1.4.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-mailwatch-1.0.1 USE="ssl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-fsguard-0.3.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-clipman-0.8.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pygtk-2.10.3 USE="opengl -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/gnome-python-2.16.2 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gnome-menus-2.16.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/exo-0.3.2 USE="hal libnotify python -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/twisted-2.4.0 USE="crypt gtk serial" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/vte-0.14.1 USE="opengl python -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pygtkglext-1.0.1-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/dia-0.95.1 USE="gnome png python zlib -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/eel-2.16.3 USE="X -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/twisted-web-0.6.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/terminal-0.2.6-r1 USE="dbus startup-notification -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/verve-0.3.5 USE="dbus -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/sabayon-2.12.4 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/bug-buddy-2.16.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/alacarte-0.10.1-r1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/pessulus-2.16.1 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-terms/gnome-terminal-2.16.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/gnome-screensaver-2.16.2 USE="opengl pam xinerama -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] games-board/glchess-1.0.2 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-print/cups-1.2.9 USE="X dbus jpeg ldap nls pam php png ppds samba slp ssl tiff" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/ghostscript-esp-8.15.3 USE="X cups gtk xml -cjk -emacs -threads" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-fs/samba-3.0.24 USE="acl automount cups fam kerberos ldap pam python quotas readline swat syslog -async -caps -doc -examples -oav (-selinux) -winbind" LINGUAS="-ja -pl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-print/libgnomecups-0.2.2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-wireless/bluez-utils-2.25-r1 USE="alsa cups dbus gtk pcmcia" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeprint-3.5.6 USE="arts cups kde kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-print/gtklp-1.2.2 USE="nls ssl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/libgnomeprint-2.12.1 USE="cups -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdebase-kioslaves-3.5.6-r1 USE="arts hal kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility ldap openexr samba xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libwmf- USE="X expat gd gtk jpeg xml -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-print/foomatic-filters-3.0.20060720 USE="cups" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/hylafax-4.3.0 USE="jbig pam -faxonly -html -mgetty" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/gv-3.6.2-r1 13 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/a2ps-4.13c-r5 USE="nls -cjk -tetex -vanilla" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dialup/capisuite-0.4.5-r3 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-print/cups-pdf-2.4.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-backup/amanda-2.4.5 USE="berkdb gdbm samba xfs -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-misc/mc-4.6.1 USE="7zip X gpm ncurses nls pam samba slang unicode" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/libgnomeprintui-2.12.1 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/gtksourceview-1.8.1 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-base/xfprint-4.4.1 USE="cups -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-misc/krusader-1.80.0_beta2 USE="arts javascript kde xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/tkhylafax-3.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-print/fax4cups-1.24 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/wxGTK- USE="X gnome joystick odbc opengl sdl unicode -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/gtkhtml-3.12.2 USE="-debug -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/wxpython- USE="opengl unicode" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/audacity-1.3.2-r1 USE="flac libsamplerate mp3 sse unicode vorbis -ladspa" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-p2p/bittorrent-5.0.7 USE="gtk" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-print/gnome-cups-manager-0.31-r2 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/librsvg-2.16.1 USE="gnome zlib -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-base/thunar-0.8.0-r2 USE="X dbus exif gnome hal pcre startup-notification -debug -doc -plugins" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/beryl-settings-0.2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-plugins/beryl-plugins-0.2.1 USE="dbus" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/gdesklets-core-0.35.4 USE="-debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/gnome-themes-extras-0.8.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-base/xfdesktop-4.4.1 USE="dbus -debug -doc -minimal" LINGUAS="de -ca -cs -da -el -es -et -eu -fi -fr -he -hu -ja -ko -nl -pl -pt_BR -ro -ru -sk -sv -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/cairo-1.2.6 USE="X directfb glitz svg -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gnome-panel-2.16.2 USE="eds -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] www-client/mozilla-firefox- USE="gnome ipv6 java mozdevelop xinerama -bindist -debug -filepicker -moznopango -restrict-javascript -xforms -xprint" LINGUAS="de -af -ar -be -bg -ca -cs -da -el -en_GB -es -es_AR -es_ES -eu -fi -fr -fy -fy_NL -ga -ga_IE -gu -gu_IN -he -hu -it -ja -ka -ko -ku -lt -mk -mn -nb -nb_NO -nl -nn -nn_NO -pa -pa_IN -pl -pt -pt_BR -pt_PT -ru -sk -sl -sv -sv_SE -tr -zh -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pycairo-1.2.2 USE="-examples -numeric" 0 kB [ebuild R ] mail-client/mozilla-thunderbird- USE="crypt gnome ipv6 ldap xinerama -bindist -debug -mozdom -moznopango -replytolist -xprint" LINGUAS="de -be -bg -ca -cs -da -el -en_GB -es -es_AR -es_ES -eu -fi -fr -ga -ga_IE -hu -it -ja -lt -mk -nb -nb_NO -nl -pa -pa_IN -pl -pt -pt_BR -pt_PT -ru -sk -sl -sv -sv_SE -tr -zh -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-themes/gtk-engines-xfce-2.4.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Cairo-1.02.2 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/gnome-power-manager-2.16.2 USE="libnotify -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/gnome-games-2.16.2 USE="guile -artworkextra -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libsvg-cairo-0.1.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] www-client/seamonkey-1.1.1 USE="crypt gnome ipv6 java ldap mozdevelop xinerama -debug -moznocompose -moznoirc -moznomail -moznopango -moznoroaming -postgres -xforms -xprint" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/mozilla-sunbird-0.3.1 USE="gnome ipv6 xinerama -bindist -debug -moznopango -xprint" LINGUAS="de -ca -cs -da -es_ES -eu -fr -hu -it -mn -nl -pl -ru -sk -sl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/gtk2-perl-1.141-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-pda/gnome-pilot-2.0.13 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/gnome-utils-2.16.2-r2 USE="hal ipv6 -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/libgail-gnome-1.1.3 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-base/xfce4-4.4.1 USE="alsa cups oss -minimal" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gnome-applets-2.16.2 USE="acpi apm gstreamer hal ipv6 -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-ml/lablgtk-2.6.0 USE="gnome opengl svg -debug -doc -glade -gnomecanvas" 0 kB [ebuild R ] xfce-extra/xfce4-xfapplet-0.1.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/fast-user-switch-applet-2.16.0 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/gnome-python-extras-2.14.0-r1 USE="X firefox -debug -doc -seamonkey" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-analyzer/gnome-netstatus-2.12.1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] www-client/epiphany-2.16.2 USE="python -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-plugins/enigmail-0.95.0 LINGUAS="de -ca -el -fi -fr -hu -it -ja -nb -nb_NO -pl -ru -zh_CN" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/tsclient-0.148 USE="vnc -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/sensors-applet-1.6 USE="hddtemp -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-pda/gnome-pilot-conduits-2.0.13 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/gtk2-ex-formfactory-0.65-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-accessibility/gnopernicus-1.0.7 USE="ipv6 -brltty -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-p2p/mldonkey-2.8.3 USE="gd gtk -doc -fasttrack -gnutella -guionly -magic" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/imagemagick-6.3.3 USE="X bzip2 graphviz gs jbig jpeg jpeg2k lcms mpeg perl png tiff truetype wmf xml zlib -doc -fpx -nocxx" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/dvdauthor-0.6.11 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/libgsf-1.14.2 USE="bzip2 gnome python -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/karbon-1.6.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/pstoedit-3.44 USE="emf imagemagick -plotutils" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/gimp-print-4.2.7 USE="cups foomaticdb gtk nls ppds readline" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/libwpd-0.8.9 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/wv2-0.2.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/goffice-0.2.1 USE="gnome -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/kword-1.6.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/ffmpeg-0.4.9_p20070330 USE="X a52 aac dts encode ieee1394 imlib mmx network ogg oss sdl theora truetype v4l vorbis x264 xvid zlib (-altivec) -amr -debug -doc -test -threads" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libquicktime-0.9.10 USE="X aac alsa dv encode ffmpeg gtk jpeg lame mmx opengl png vorbis x264" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/mpeg4ip- USE="a52 aac alsa arts esd ffmpeg id3 ipv6 lame mmx mp4live mpeg2 nas v4l2 x264 xvid -player" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/motion-3.2.7 USE="ffmpeg mysql v4l -postgres" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/gpac-0.4.2-r1 USE="aac ffmpeg javascript jpeg mad ogg opengl oss png sdl ssl theora truetype vorbis wxwindows xml xvid -amr -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/blender-2.43 USE="ffmpeg jpeg nls openexr png sdl -blender-game -openal" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/dvbcut-0.5.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/vdr2jpeg-0.0.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/mjpegtools-1.8.0-r1 USE="X dv gtk mmx png quicktime sdl sse v4l -3dnow -dga -yv12" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-tv/xawtv-3.95-r1 USE="X alsa dv lirc mmx motif nls opengl quicktime xv zvbi -aalib -xext" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/transcode-1.0.2-r3 USE="X a52 dv dvdread gtk imagemagick jpeg lzo mjpeg mmx mp3 mpeg network ogg quicktime sdl sse theora truetype v4l2 vorbis xml xvid -3dnow (-altivec) -extrafilters -fame -sse2" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/cinelerra-cvs-20070122 USE="alsa css esd ieee1394 mmx opengl oss truetype -3dnow (-altivec) -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-cdr/k3b-1.0.1 USE="alsa arts css dvdr dvdread encode ffmpeg flac hal kde mp3 musicbrainz sndfile vcd vorbis xinerama -debug -emovix -musepack" LINGUAS="de -af -ar -bg -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -el -en_GB -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hi -hu -is -it -ja -ka -lt -mk -ms -nb -nds -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ru -rw -se -sk -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -tr -uk -uz -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/mytharchive-0.20_p12824 USE="mmx -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/kino-1.0.0 USE="alsa dvdr quicktime sox vorbis" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/dvdrip-0.98.6 USE="ffmpeg hal mplayer ogg vcd vorbis xine xvid -fping -subtitles" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-lang/mono- USE="X nptl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-dotnet/gtk-sharp-2.10.0 USE="-doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-dotnet/gtk-sharp-1.0.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/antlr-2.7.7 USE="mono python -debug -doc -examples -nocxx -nojava -script -source" 0 kB [ebuild R ] mail-client/evolution- USE="crypt dbus hal ipv6 kerberos krb4 ldap mono nntp pda spell ssl -bogofilter -debug -doc -profile" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-dotnet/art-sharp-2.16.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-dotnet/glade-sharp-2.10.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-dotnet/gnomevfs-sharp-2.16.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/gmime-2.2.3 USE="ipv6 mono -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-dotnet/art-sharp-1.0.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/gjdoc-0.7.7-r1 USE="-source -xmldoclet" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-wireless/libbtctl-0.6.0-r1 USE="mono -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-dotnet/evolution-sharp-0.12.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/ant-tasks-1.6.5-r3 USE="-javamail -noantlr -nobcel -nobeanutils -nobsf -nobsh -nocommonslogging -nocommonsnet -nojdepend -nojsch -nojython -nolog4j -nooro -noregexp -norhino -noxalan -noxerces" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-dotnet/glade-sharp-1.0.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/evolution-exchange-2.8.1 USE="-debug -doc -static" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dns/libidn-0.6.5-r1 USE="java mono nls -doc -emacs" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-dotnet/gnome-sharp-2.16.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-dotnet/gnome-sharp-1.0.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-wireless/gnome-bluetooth-0.7.0-r1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-java/ant-1.6.5 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-nntp/pan-0.128 USE="spell" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/curl-7.15.1-r1 USE="gnutls idn ipv6 kerberos ldap ssl -ares -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-dotnet/gconf-sharp-2.16.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kopete-3.5.6 USE="arts crypt kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility slp sms ssl translator xinerama xscreensaver -addbookmarks -alias -autoreplace -connectionstatus -contactnotes -debug -gadu -groupwise -highlight -history -irc -jingle -latex -netmeeting -nowlistening -sametime -statistics -texteffect -webpresence -winpopup -yahoo" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-dotnet/gconf-sharp-1.0.10 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/whois-4.7.20 USE="nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-dotnet/gtkhtml-sharp-2.16.0 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-lang/php-5.2.1-r3 USE="apache2 berkdb bzip2 cli crypt ctype curl exif fastbuild force-cgi-redirect ftp gd gdbm gmp iconv imap ipv6 kerberos ldap mysql ncurses nls odbc pcre posix readline reflection session simplexml snmp soap sockets spell spl sqlite ssl tokenizer truetype unicode xml xmlreader xmlwriter xpm xsl zip zlib -adabas -apache -bcmath -birdstep -calendar -cdb -cgi -cjk -concurrentmodphp -curlwrappers -db2 -dbase -dbmaker -debug -discard-path -doc -empress -empress-bcs -esoob -fdftk -filter -firebird -flatfile -frontbase -gd-external -hash -inifile -interbase -iodbc -java-external -json -ldap-sasl -libedit -mcve -mhash -msql -mssql -mysqli -oci8 -oci8-instant-client -pcntl -pdo -pdo-external -pic -postgres -qdbm -recode -sapdb -sharedext -sharedmem -solid -suhosin -sybase -sybase-ct -sysvipc -threads -tidy -wddx -xmlrpc -yaz -zip-external" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/vorbis-tools-1.1.1-r3 USE="flac nls -speex" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-antivirus/clamav-0.90.2 USE="bzip2 crypt curl logrotate mailwrapper nls -milter (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/asterisk-1.2.14-r2 USE="alsa curl gtk mmx odbc sqlite ssl -bri -debug -doc -genericjb -h323 -hardened -lowmem -nosamples -osp -postgres -pri -speex -zaptel" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-crypt/gnupg-1.4.6 USE="X bzip2 curl idea ldap nls readline smartcard usb zlib -bindist -ecc (-selinux) -static" LINGUAS="-ru" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-misc/beagle- USE="evo gtk pdf python thunderbird -chm -doc -galago -ole" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/raptor-1.4.9 USE="curl gnome ssl xml" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/openoffice-2.2.0 USE="cairo cups dbus eds firefox gnome gstreamer gtk java kde ldap mono pam sound webdav -binfilter -branding -debug -odk -seamonkey" LINGUAS="de -af -ar -as_IN -be_BY -bg -bn -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -dz -el -en -en_GB -en_US -en_ZA -eo -es -et -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -gu_IN -he -hi_IN -hr -hu -it -ja -km -ko -ku -lt -lv -mk -ml_IN -mr_IN -nb -ne -nl -nn -nr -ns -or_IN -pa_IN -pl -pt -pt_BR -ru -rw -sh_YU -sk -sl -sr_CS -ss -st -sv -sw_TZ -ta_IN -te_IN -tg -th -ti_ER -tn -tr -ts -uk -ur_IN -ve -vi -xh -zh_CN -zh_TW -zu" 4,702 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libofa-0.9.3 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/audacious-plugins-1.3.3 USE="aac alsa arts esd flac jack lirc mad nls opengl oss sndfile vorbis wavpack wma -adplug -chardet -modplug -musepack -pulseaudio -sid -timidity -tta" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/gambas-1.0.14 USE="bzip2 curl kde mysql sdl sqlite xml xsl zlib -doc -postgres" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-misc/tomboy-0.2.2-r1 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/nautilus-2.16.3 USE="X beagle gnome -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/certmanager-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/yelp-2.16.2 USE="beagle -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-ftp/proftpd-1.3.1_rc2 USE="acl clamav ipv6 ldap mysql ncurses nls pam radius ssl tcpd -authfile -hardened -ifsession -noauthunix -opensslcrypt -postgres -rewrite (-selinux) -shaper -sitemisc -softquota -vroot -xinetd" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/liblrdf-0.3.7 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/tunepimp-0.5.2 USE="python" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/ogmtools-1.5 USE="dvd" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-antivirus/klamav-0.41 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/asterisk-sounds-1.2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-cdr/webcdwriter-2.8.0 USE="java mp3 pam sox vorbis" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-db/phpmyadmin- USE="-vhosts" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Mail-ClamAV-0.20 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/pyclamav-0.2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] www-apps/phpsysinfo-2.5.2 USE="-vhosts" 0 kB [ebuild R ] www-apps/mediawiki-1.8.4 USE="imagemagick mysql -math -postgres -restrict -vhosts" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/asterisk-app_nv_faxdetect-1.0.6 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/libkpimidentities-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/control-center-2.16.2 USE="alsa eds hal -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/nautilus-cd-burner-2.16.2 USE="cdr dvdr -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/gksu-2.0.0 USE="gnome -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-admin/gnome-system-tools-2.14.0 USE="nfs samba -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-arch/file-roller-2.16.2 USE="gnome -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-ftp/gproftpd-8.1.9 USE="gnome ssl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/nautilus-open-terminal-0.7 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/gnucash-2.0.5 USE="chipcard hbci nls -debug -doc -ofx -quotes" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kontact-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/gnome-media-2.16.1 USE="ipv6 mad ogg vorbis -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gdm-2.16.4 USE="accessibility ipv6 pam tcpd xinerama -debug (-selinux)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gnome-volume-manager-2.15.0-r1 USE="crypt -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-wm/heliodor-0.2.1 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kalarm-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/gnome-session-2.16.2 USE="esd ipv6 tcpd -branding -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-wm/compiz-0.5.0 USE="dbus gnome kde svg" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kaddressbook-3.5.6-r1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug -gnokii" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/akregator-3.5.6-r1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kitchensync-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kmail-3.5.6-r3 USE="arts crypt kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kpilot-3.5.5 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/knotes-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/knode-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/sound-juicer-2.16.2 USE="flac ogg -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdepim-kresources-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kaddressbook-plugins-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-wireless/kdebluetooth-1.0_beta2-r2 USE="arts irmc xinerama -debug" LINGUAS="de -bg -br -ca -cs -cy -da -el -en_GB -es -et -fi -fr -ga -gl -hu -is -it -ja -ka -lt -mt -nb -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -rw -sk -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -tr -uk -zh_CN" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/korganizer-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdepim-wizards-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/karm-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kontact-specialdates-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] www-misc/zoneminder-1.22.3 USE="apache2 mpeg -apache -vhosts" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/lcms-1.15 USE="jpeg python tiff zlib" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libmng-1.0.9-r1 USE="lcms" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/digikam-0.9.1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal kdehiddenvisibility nfs xinerama -debug -doc" LINGUAS="de -ar -bg -br -ca -cs -cy -da -el -en_GB -es -et -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hu -is -it -ja -ka -lt -mk -ms -mt -nb -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -rw -sk -sl -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -th -tr -uk -vi -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/ksvg-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/krita-1.6.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/eog-2.16.2 USE="jpeg lcms -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/inkscape-0.45.1 USE="dia gnome inkjar lcms mmx postscript spell wmf -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/scribus- USE="cairo" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/f-spot-0.3.5 USE="-debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/qt-4.2.3-r1 USE="accessibility cups dbus gif jpeg mng mysql nas odbc opengl pch png qt3support sqlite sqlite3 xinerama zlib -debug -doc -examples -firebird -glib -nis -postgres" INPUT_DEVICES="-wacom" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/digikamimageplugins-0.9.1 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-dns/avahi-0.6.16-r1 USE="autoipd dbus gdbm gtk mono python qt3 qt4 -bookmarks -doc -howl-compat -mdnsresponder-compat" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/poppler-bindings-0.5.4 USE="cairo gtk qt3 qt4" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/dssi-0.9.1 USE="qt3" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kpdf-3.5.6-r1 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/gimp-2.3.15 USE="alsa gnome gtkhtml jpeg lcms mmx mng pdf png python sse svg tiff wmf -aalib (-altivec) -debug -doc -smp" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-im/ekiga-2.0.7 USE="avahi dbus gnome sdl -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-misc/vino-2.16.0-r1 USE="avahi crypt gnutls jpeg zlib -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/evince-0.6.1-r3 USE="dbus gnome tiff -debug -djvu -doc -dvi -t1lib" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-misc/kdnssd-avahi-0.1.2 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/rosegarden-1.4.0 USE="arts lirc xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/xsane-0.994 USE="gimp jpeg lcms nls png tiff" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/sane-frontends-1.0.14 USE="gimp" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/dcraw-8.03 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/giflib-4.1.4 USE="X rle" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/imlib2-1.3.0 USE="X bzip2 gif jpeg mmx mp3 nls png tiff zlib -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/DirectFB- USE="fbcon gif jpeg mmx mpeg png sdl sse truetype v4l v4l2 zlib -debug -fusion -sysfs" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/GD-2.35-r1 USE="gif jpeg png truetype xpm -animgif" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/urt-3.1b-r1 USE="X gif gs tiff" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-dotnet/libgdiplus-1.2.3 USE="exif gif jpeg tiff" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-lang/pike-7.6.86-r1 USE="bzip2 fftw gdbm gtk jpeg kerberos mysql opengl pcre pdf scanner sdl ssl svg tiff truetype zlib -debug -doc -hardened -mime" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/imlib-1.9.15-r1 USE="gtk -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/fontforge-20070312 USE="X gif jpeg png svg tiff truetype unicode" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-editors/emacs-21.4-r4 USE="X motif nls -Xaw3d -leim -lesstif -nosendmail" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.4-r2 USE="X a52 aac alsa arts directfb dts dvd dxr3 esd fbcon flac gnome gtk imagemagick ipv6 mad mmap mng nls opengl oss samba sdl theora truetype v4l vcd vidix vorbis wavpack win32codecs xinerama xv xvmc -aalib (-altivec) -debug -libcaca -modplug -musepack -pulseaudio -speex -xcb" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/mplayer-1.0_rc1-r2 USE="X aac alsa arts bidi cdparanoia directfb dts dv dvb dvd dvdread enca encode esd fbcon gif gtk iconv ipv6 jack joystick jpeg lirc live lzo mad matrox mmx mmxext nas opengl oss png real samba sdl sse svga theora truetype unicode v4l v4l2 vorbis win32codecs x264 xinerama xv xvid xvmc -3dfx -3dnow -3dnowext -aalib (-altivec) -amr -bindist -bl -cpudetection -custom-cflags -debug -dga -doc -ggi -libcaca -livecd -musepack -openal -rtc -speex -sse2 -tga -xanim" LINGUAS="de -bg -cs -da -el -en -es -fr -hu -ja -ko -mk -nl -no -pl -pt_BR -ro -ru -sk -tr -uk -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/netpbm-10.37.0 USE="jbig jpeg jpeg2k png rle svga tiff xml zlib" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-lang/swig-1.3.31 USE="guile java lua mono ocaml perl php pike python tcl tk -doc -ruby" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/GDTextUtil-0.86 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/giblib-1.2.4 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-wm/fluxbox-1.0_rc3 USE="gnome imlib kde nls truetype xinerama -disableslit -disabletoolbar" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kuickshow-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-wm/enlightenment- USE="esd nls xcomposite xinerama -doc -xrandr" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-plugins/wmhdplop-0.9.7-r1 USE="-gkrellm" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/dfbsee-0.7.4-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-libs/DFB++-0.9.25 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-misc/kompose-0.5.4 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/vlc-0.8.6b USE="X a52 alsa arts avahi bidi cdda cddb daap dc1394 directfb dts dvb dvd esd fbcon flac gnutls hal httpd jack libnotify lirc live matroska mp3 mpeg ncurses nsplugin ogg opengl oss png samba sdl stream svg svga theora truetype upnp v4l vcd vlm vorbis win32codecs wxwindows x264 xinerama xml xv -3dfx -aalib (-altivec) -corba -debug -ggi -libcaca -mod -musepack -optimisememory -rtsp -sdl-image -seamonkey -shout -skins -speex -xosd" 0 kB [ebuild R ] www-client/links-2.1_pre26 USE="X directfb fbcon gpm javascript jpeg png sdl ssl svga tiff unicode -livecd" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/GD-SVG-0.28 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-emulation/wine-0.9.35 USE="X alsa cups dbus esd hal jack jpeg lcms ldap nas ncurses opengl oss scanner xml" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/kipi-plugins-0.1.0_rc1 USE="arts gphoto2 opengl xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/3ddesktop-0.2.9 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/graphviz-2.12 USE="X gnome gtk nls perl python tcl tk -doc -examples -pango -ruby" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/xine-ui-0.99.5_pre20070303 USE="X curl lirc ncurses nls readline vdr xinerama -aalib -debug -libcaca" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/GDGraph-1.43.08 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/totem-2.16.4 USE="a52 dbus dvd ffmpeg firefox flac gnome hal lirc mad mpeg nsplugin ogg theora vorbis xine xv -debug -nvtv" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libgpod-0.4.2 USE="gtk python -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-tex/latex2html-2002.2.1_pre20041025-r1 USE="gif png" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-misc/xscreensaver-5.01-r2 USE="gnome jpeg opengl pam xinerama -insecure-savers -new-login -offensive" 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/artsplugin-xine-3.5.6 USE="kdeenablefinal xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/cxfe-0.9.1 USE="lirc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/kaffeine-0.8.4 USE="arts dvb encode gstreamer kdehiddenvisibility vorbis xinerama -debug -xcb" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-www/mplayerplug-in-3.35 USE="divx gtk quicktime realmedia wmp -gmedia" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/kmplayer-0.9.4a USE="arts cairo gstreamer mplayer xine xinerama -debug" LINGUAS="de -ar -br -bs -ca -cs -cy -da -el -en_GB -es -et -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hi -hu -is -it -ja -ka -lt -mt -nb -nl -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -rw -sk -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -tr -uk -zh_CN" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/gozer-0.7-r1 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/libcap-1.10-r9 USE="python" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-cdr/k9copy-1.1.1_p3 USE="arts xinerama -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/oxine-0.6.6 USE="X curl dvb joystick jpeg lirc nls png v4l -debug -polling" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/gocr-0.40-r2 USE="gtk -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/scrot-0.8 USE="-bash-completion" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/gnome-python-desktop-2.16.0 USE="X -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-plugins/mythvideo-0.20_p13239 USE="mmx mplayer xine -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/GD-Graph3d-0.63 0 kB [ebuild R ] kde-base/kdeartwork-kscreensaver-3.5.6 USE="arts kdeenablefinal opengl xinerama xscreensaver -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-tv/freevo-1.6.1 USE="X directfb dvd encode lirc matrox nls" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-doc/doxygen-1.4.7 USE="qt3 unicode -doc -tetex" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-sound/amarok-1.4.5-r1 USE="aac arts daap ipod kde mtp musicbrainz mysql opengl real visualization xinerama -debug -ifp -njb -noamazon -postgres" LINGUAS="de -af -ar -az -bg -br -ca -cs -cy -da -el -en_GB -es -et -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hi -hu -is -it -ja -ka -km -ko -lt -ms -nb -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -rw -se -sk -sl -sq -sr -sr@Latn -sv -ta -tg -th -tr -uk -uz -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/mmsv2-1.0.8_rc2 USE="dvb dxr3 lirc sdl svga -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-util/kdevelop-3.4.0-r2 USE="arts cvs fortran graphviz java pascal perl php python sql subversion xinerama -ada -clearcase -debug -haskell -perforce -ruby" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/deskbar-applet-2.16.2-r1 USE="eds spell -debug" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-editors/gedit-2.16.2-r1 USE="python spell -debug -doc" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-perl/Template-GD-2.66 0 kB Total: 1958 packages (1958 reinstalls), Size of downloads: 5,580 kB Fetch Restriction: 1 package